The Haitian Revolution Victory Sparked the Fall of Slavery and Must Be Acknowledged, Shared, and Celebrated!
The Haitian Revolution started in 1791 and continued until 1804. Today, the revolution is considered to be the Western Hemisphere’s most successful slave rebellion. During the 1700s, Haiti was known as Saint Domingue. Part of France, the area became the country’s...
Why is the past important to your future?
Have you ever heard of the concept of Sankofa? It’s very interesting and I think it ties in perfectly illustrates the point of why the past is important to your future. In the Twi language of Ghana, the word Sankofa translates to “Go back and get it” with...
My Black History Privilege
NOTE: Our 74% off and FREE SHIPPING sale ENDS TONIGHT (11th Feb). Grab your offer here >> This is Forest, today I want to share a little about how I came to work with Freddie, the CEO of Urban...
Future thoughts: Gabby Bows, 10-year-old Entrepreneur (VIDEO)
We are so PUMPED to share this video today. This is the first of 4 videos this Black History month talking to our youth! We have asked a few questions about the future, about the past and their insight is a joy to watch! Gabby, the 10-year-old Entrepreneur who...
Circulating Money In Our Community Makes Millionaires, Black Wall Street Is The Blueprint, But Draws Enemies
Black Wall Street was located in Greenwood, Oklahoma, which is a suburb of Tulsa. During the 1900s, the location was known as one of the most concentrated black businesses in the United States. African Americans started to move towards the area in the late 1800s due...
My Black History Dream Come True
Today I want to share a story with you. I grew up outside Detroit, Mi in the 70s 80s during the decline of the automobile industry, and the increase of crack cocaine and violence in the community. Just because we were outside of Detroit, didn’t mean we were in a plush...
2019: The NFL & Colin Kaepernick-Super Bowl XVwhatever
Dateline: February 3, 2019-Somewhere in Atlanta GA not too far from Stone Mountain Park...where American terrorists lay immortal on a wall carving and the right of #BlackLives to survive in their own country lay in heaps of rubble. *** We've been told over and over...
Meet the Only Black Man to Fight the United States for Over 50 Years in the 1800s & Live to Tell About It, John Horse
John Horse was an African and Seminole military leader, who became known under many names, such as John Cowaya, Gopher John, and Juan Caballo. While there isn’t much known about his early life, we believe he came into this world in 1812. It’s also known that by the...
Aging While Black and Historic: Elders As Disenfranchised Libraries
Disenfranchised "They say when an elder dies, a whole library burns to the ground." *** As a child, I learned that for myself. But I was an 'old kindred spirit' of a little girl who loved sitting around the knees listening to the old folks' run their traps about...
Did You Know that “Negro History Week” was the Root of “Black History Month”?
The month of February is considered “Black History Month” across the United States. But it had a much earlier predecessor called “Negro History Week”. This recognition was the brainchild of an African-American historian, Dr. Carter G. Woodson. He is considered by...
The Very Narrow Radical Divide Between Evangelicalism and Racism
I must admit, I had a dark moment when President Obama was in office, and that is when he went well and far beyond the scope of what many refer to as "Christianity" in endorsing gay marriage. They lit the White House up in rainbow colors and dubbed him "The First Gay...
Racism occurs because Whites feel inferior to Blacks – Frances Cress Welsing (A profile of her life).
Frances Cress Welsing is an American Afrocentrist psychiatrist who became known for her 1970 essay The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism, which became the beginning of the Isis Papers. Born on March 18, 1935, in Chicago, Illinois, her father, Henry, was a...
Looking back and forward 400 years for Black History Month
Good morning, Today is the beginning of Black History Month, of course, we shouldn’t need it, but we have it so let’s make the best of it. Not just this month, but this year, 2019, is important because it marks 400 years from the start of the Western “Slave Trade”....
The Thief Cometh Not …
Since the early 1500s, more to the point, the mid-1500s (around 1564), Africans kidnapped and sold off to America have faced one never-ending trial and horrific tribulation after another. This is of no credit to the enemy(ies) of our souls, but to their shame; and to...
Death & The BET Awards
A UI article written by news reporter Randall Barnes on June 22, 2017 spoke of the deaths of some of our most magnificent and notable icons in the music industry and how they were honored at the BET Awards for that year or the following. He stated and I repeat ......
UI Says “Goodnight and Godspeed” to Magnificent R&B Song Stylist James Ingram
For those Millennials too young to remember, ask your grandmothers. The world and Urban Intellectuals mourns James Ingram, now in concert, as Debbie Allen said of him "In the Celestial Choir". You will likely hear a lot about him in the days to come. More than we can...
Drop those Zeroes – Get Yourself A Hero
MY HOW ... The. Chickens. Home. Roost. #draintheswamp So MUCH winning: The REAL Heroes Have ZERO Crimes...
Genesis 9: How The Scriptures Once Used Against Black People Reinforce The Godly Black Presence in the World
Genesis 9 New International Version (NIV) God’s Covenant With Noah Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. 2 The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in...
Vacant Lots in Detroit Are Being Reclaimed By Black Beekeepers!
This story is amazing and one that should inspire each and every one of us to do something in our local community! Detroit natives Timothy Paule and Nicole Lindsey are making use of vacant lots in the city and decided that they would be perfect not only for raising...
White Man’s Burden: “The Obama Impact” Trumps White Male Superiority
They have a mess on their hands right now, that much is established. For centuries, white men like Donald Trump have spread themselves very thin over the entire transom of modern history as the biggest baddest banditos and yet "saviors" of all humanity that the world...