And Now This … The Taking of the Knee

And Now This … The Taking of the Knee

Today, we pay homage to a young man in Midland, Texas, whose right mind has told him that he has a right to be who he is and protest a dead and dying nation for all of its most egregious and manifold sins against humanity, both here and the world over. This is...
The Quest For A “Tribe”

The Quest For A “Tribe”

Find your tribe, a long-standing friend of mine said very recently. As a recovering people addict and bonafide member of Co-Dependents Anonymous, finding a “tribe” is hard to do when you’ve spent years developing the art of isolation in order to stay...
“Jigging”: Jigabooing for Dummies

“Jigging”: Jigabooing for Dummies

Word of the day is “jigging.” *** It means carrying on with your life in such a manner that the lines are blurred between your own dignity, peace, serenity, and sanctity, to the point that you actually begin to believe that absorbing and acting out the...