Across America, as well as in the small Georgia town in which I live, Black people are certifiably too “clique-ish” to gain enough national momentum to force America to do what it has to do right now. Black America is too separated and self-contained, too easily mistrustful of one another, and too without common ad hoc resources to fight the racism or the “Daily Emmitt Tills” of which Oprah recently spoke.
Whites in America must OWN UP to its own responsibilities in the largest and most massive concerted effort to commit genocide on Black people ever since the mass lynchings of the late 1800s. Those lynchings, which began with the Ku Klux Klan coming out of Pulaski, TN and Stone Mountain, GA, are continuous to this day, and then, just like now, even if it meant disposing of one of their own kind along the way just to “even up the pot,” that does not make it any LESS racist. Black “empathizers” are just as subject to ropes and bullets as the dark-skinned people themselves, especially if they are willing to speak up and step out.
There have been too many times when this nation has demanded that Black people take responsibility for their wrongs; but not enough of a demand from Black people that whites own up to their OWN responsibility and roles in these numerous travesties of justice. Yes, whether they PERSONALLY did something wrong or not, they have refused to acknowledge the responsibility of racism and racist notions about Black people as a big contributor to these mass killings. Let alone the fact that they use racism as entertainment now like they did then, there is also the factor of contributing to it through slanted media, conservative concerns that appear on the surface to be national when they are, in fact, personal; and last, but not least, their contribution to it by not speaking out when white privilege is to their personal advantage over doing the right thing rather than the “white” thing.
Not speaking out makes them just as complicit, but we have seen for ourselves that those who have called us Black folk “paranoid” about the racism back in the 1970s and 1980s and even after that, have turned out to be deadly wrong. We were not paranoid or stupid or ‘crazy’, we were seeing what others -in a blind haze of denial or to protect their own gilded Black cage in American politics- chose to ignore.
There have been too many Blacks who have willingly sat down on every Black killing in the nation and stated “As long as it’s not me or mine…” or “I am above all that. I am not going to get involved because it’s THOSE Black people and none of it has anything to do with me.”
And yet … non-involvement on the part of some Blacks is doing nothing more than lining up the next body. They can believe it won’t happen to them. So has been the words of one too many wives, mothers and children who have buried a body just because it was too Black for anyone to care.
Plus there is always the “religious” excuse … “Oh well, God must have had a reason…,” which plays into the George Zimmermans who will always be able to depend on us when it’s time to make another kill. “It must have been his (or her) time.”
I never thought it would NOT be me or one of mine.
Even as a very young Mom raising four sons alone in the 1980s/1990s, I refused to let my FOUR BLACK SONS play with so much as water guns, let alone air rockets and BB guns. Not only did I believe that all of those weapons contain a spiritual call for violence and death that attracts enemies just because … but I also knew that my sons were Black, and I had already knew what they were in for in this world even if they never did a wrong thing in their lives, which is almost humanly impossible.
It meant forcing them to grow up real fast, and helping them to understand the racism they were going to have to face one way or the other. As many youthful minds do, they refused to believe it also. Until they got those 3 AM NEGRO WAKEUP CALLS. My own came at the age of 12. I was in denial about it until I was 24 and then reality bit me dead in the ass.
It simply was NOT going to go away. Not as long as it gave white people a birthright to having the upper hand in this society, whether they were right or wrong.
For a mother, I have known no joy for the baby boys that I used to keep safely wrapped in my arms. I knew then that no white mother ever had to go to bed every night wondering if she will be making funeral arrangements the next day. It is a shock to them when it happens, and another day in America for us … and therein lies THE DIFFERENCE.
All I ever knew, even when they were teens is the cold shrill that would blanket my soul every time the phone rang, day or night. At one point, I stopped answering my phone because all it brought was one horrific piece of news after the other. Now comes a time when, even though my sons have matured to one degree or another, they still -as fathers and husbands themselves- are not completely safe from racists in America, nor even from intra-racial racists who are the very internalized racists who will threaten and kill my sons just because they can and will get away with it. The rule of law was that the Black man’s life had no value, not even enough to do more than four years in prison, if that. In Georgia, that law was and is still on the books, even though some would say it is “defunct.” It has never been REPEALED.
Black America has to come off the “clique” mentality that only yields more pockets of localized break-outs after another daily killing, whether by a cop or by another Black person. When Black people kill Black people, that TOO is white America’s burden to bear. This nation was founded as a corporation by pirates, murderers, thieves, whores, dogs, and mudrats of every nature and kind imaginable. It is highly likely that The Queen of England, thinking the world flat, was actually trying to ship Britain’s worst creatures off in the hopes that they would fall off the side of the Earth and never come back. Fortunately and unfortunately for her … Aristotle and Copernicus were both wrong. But she lost and benefited at the same time.
They should have a RACE WAR. A big one. The “race war” they are looking for should include ALL races against racism and them to stand alone on the side of white supremacy and white nationalism and that false sense of “patriotism” that never takes into account that Black people were the ones who set their white asses free, not the other way around. The Black Tax and the monetary taxes were are still paying now should be proof enough. There is no more to say.
Understand several things that have to take place on a NATIONAL LEVEL, with a demand to the LOCAL AUTHORITIES to CEASE AND DESIST all murders of unarmed citizens, particularly those who have already been subdued before being murdered.

America: You are under arrest.
1 Call a UN Counsel to the USA in the city of Ferguson MO to make a public and worldwide Black One Party Statement, also to President Obama and all future Presidents going forward. It’s not going to do any good to make the statement, just make sure the terms and conditions are in writing, even if it calls for a whole Black American Constitutional Convention of our own making to get it done. Make the call.
Now for the response:
2 Have that statement list no LESS than 100 accomplishments by BLACK PEOPLE in the United States of America “en masse,” not individual accomplishments, but how the USA has profited off Black Lives since the mid-1600s and has yet to pay reparations, which are due and owing. Then make that statement ring by listing EVERY ATROCITY against Black people in this nation since the very beginning.
3 Demand an ALL CALL across the nation for “Operation Clean Sweep.” ALL police officers and sheriffs departments across the country are to have public background investigations for all connections and ties to KNOWN and unknown white supremacist organizations up to and including the KKK, Neo-Nazis, et al.
That CLEAN SWEEP should include checks of all Facebook and all other social media profiles for any and all connections to white supremacist organizations, even if they are working “undercover” and can prove it by showing their prior records and history with the Police Departments.
4 Demand on ALL CALL, without exception, that every single one of those officers be fired immediately without compensation or possibility of ever being hired in another police department in the USA for the duration of their lives.
5 Demand a NATIONAL CONFERENCE on POLICING in Zurich Switzerland or London England amongst all Euros with the strategy of making sure each city and county and parish and jurisdiction across America has installed a CITIZENS POLICING REVIEW BOARD where ALL LETHAL CASES are re-examined by Black and white to determine proper handling of police who shoot unarmed citizens, any citizen where a bullet entry wound was to the back, or any citizen of any race who is murdered while face down or handcuffed, or subdued. Also demand PUBLIC ballistics tests on ALL weapons to ensure they were not in police custody or evidence supply before being found on a murder victim.
6 Demand that NO case of officer-involved shootings in America are to be investigated by Grand Juries, but by Citizens Review Councils ONLY — with all names kept in safe keeping with a Board of Trustees in Nigeria or some other African nation that is not completely controlled by whites.
7 Demand psychological testing of all police officers left after OPERATION CLEAN SWEEP be made public in the jurisdiction in which they work.
8 Demand an RE-training of all officers and sheriffs who have not been excised during OPERATION CLEAN SWEEP to take down racial bias completely.
9 Demand that the laws of Immunity be changed NOT to include any officer found to have shot any citizen of any race while they were with their back turned, face down, handcuffed, or found to be without a lethal weapon at the time of their murder. If it is an OPEN CARRY state, then the officer can be tried WITHOUT IMMUNITY, if it is determined that carrier of the weapon did not have their REGISTERED AND LICENSED WEAPON in their hand and no bullets were discharged at the time of the murder.
10 Make a WORLDWIDE DEMAND that the 200+ year old Constitution be withdrawn and re-written by a Constitutional Convention that includes Black, white, Indian, Hispanic, Latino, African, and a representation of no LESS than 500 US representatives (no illegal immigrants whatsoever) of all races and ethnicities in America, in order to make the US Constitution a relic and put into the history annals in perpetuity. The redrawn NEW DAY NEW SAY Constitution shall be the new law of the land fro now and forevermore. It is also to be reviewed every 24 years in order to keep it up to date with any future LAWFUL citizenship of the United States of America.
Editorial Note: These small town and small time local INDIVIDUAL breakouts that are only lining up the next body.
We may as well yell “Next!”, because it’s NOT working; that much is more than clear.
Black America: You have the money AND the resources. MAKE THE DEMAND. In ONE voice.