Today, we pay homage to a young man in Midland, Texas, whose right mind has told him that he has a right to be who he is and protest a dead and dying nation for all of its most egregious and manifold sins against humanity, both here and the world over. This is America, isn’t it?
Question: “Does he know who he is?”
Colin Kaepernick and the knee-taking venue is starting to catch on, and it is a GOOD thing. As more and more fearless few understand that the symbol and idolization of the US flag and the lies about American justice that make it a point of national pride are not matching up to each other. Not for SOME of us, that is.
When we “Take a knee,” or better yet “Turn our back” on the U.S. flag, what does it mean to the U.S. that is US?
Not that long ago, we had a brotha who used to turn his back on the flag, and I have done it myself. To this day, even if I get stuck in a situation where I have to pledge to it, I envision spitting on it and burning it, or using it for toilet paper whilst I do.
We know what it means to Kaepernick. He has explained it. But who is doing it as a simple act of defiance, or “just because” HE (Kaepernick) does it?
Or who can put a name and a face to the taking of the knee every time they kneel.
Sudden Impact demands that a name be tagged to every occasion of it. Not to just say “For justice,” but back it with a targeted unified plan.
When taking the knee, shout out “Sandra Bland!” or “Trayvon Martin!” of “Philando Castile!” or “Tamir Rice!” or pick someone, the name of a Black person that you know who was unjustly murdered by cops or anyone else for no real reason. #Black365 Then come right behind it with these words: “Until justice rolls down like a MIGHTY STREAM!” or “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice!”
And keep doing it until someone does time for the unwarranted taking of these lives. In Sandra Bland’s and Trayvon Martin’s case, and so MANY many others like them … until those who helped cover up her murder and his, and the murders of all the others, are brought to justice and convicted of their illicit sins against God and all else that is righteous in the Land. If forever it takes, then forever it be. If never it happens, then never EVER pledge allegiance to a flag that pledges no allegiance whatsoever to you or yours.

Until Justice Rolls Down Like a Mighty Stream
CNN Report: “Student Sent Home for ‘Taking a Knee’ for Justice“.