by Freddie Ra | Dec 30, 2015 | UITV
Nina Simone was a beautiful woman. Not just in terms of physical appearance, but mental aptitude. She exuded an understanding and love for black people one can truly appreciate as the love of a mother for her child. Not only did she talk it, but she lived it through...
by Freddie Ra | Dec 29, 2015 | UITV
There is no doubt our youth and elderly have two totally different opinions over the use of the N-Word inside of the community. Both agrees it has no place in the mouth of anyone living outside of the community. However, it seems many times only the elderly are in...
by Mr Incredible | Dec 17, 2015 | Blog
If you have basic home training your parents probably taught you to address adults as Mister or Misses So and So. If you are a woman they probably taught you to sit with your legs closed and if you are a man they probably taught you to hold the door open for women....
by Candace | Dec 10, 2015 | Blog
The First Lady of the United States, what more can I say about her? First she collaborates with the stars from the Miami Heat to promote healthy eating habits, then she rocks out to Bruno Mars “Uptown Funk” to promote the importance of exercising, now this… FLOTUS...
by Freddie Ra | Dec 4, 2015 | UITV
Malcolm X was and will always be one of my heroes. I honor people willing to speak truth to power and have the courage of their convictions, but there is more to my admiration of this man. His economic views were and still are spot on with what the black community...
by Freddie Ra | Nov 19, 2015 | UITV
Dr. Umar Abdullah-Johnson is a Certified School Psychologist who practices privately throughout Pennsylvania and lectures throughout the country. Umar is a blood relative of Frederick Douglass, the great Black abolitionist and orator. As a school psychologist Umar...
by Freddie Ra | Nov 12, 2015 | UITV
Known around the World ‘Natural Healer’, Dr. Sebi joins us at The Rock Newman Show to talk about his life, his win against the Supreme Court, Michael Jackson and Lisa ‘Left Eye” Lopez and his mission! Many of use have heard about Dr. Sebi and...
by Furious | Aug 19, 2013 | Blog
UI Discussion Party is a panel styled podcast produced by Urban Intellectuals. The discussion is meant to move the African Diaspora’s discourse in a positive, self healing direction. The panel guest are members of the Urban Intellectual community. UI is...
by Furious | Aug 18, 2013 | Blog
Urban Intellectuals is obsessed with creating meaningful, engaging, and relevant discussions among the African diaspora. Bringing diverse lines of thought together to combine their knowledge and insight for the future, prosperity and well being of the community is the...
by Furious | Aug 12, 2013 | Blog
UI Discussion Party is a panel styled podcast produced by Urban Intellectuals. buy advair online no prescription pharmacy The discussion is meant to move the African Diaspora’s...