Black America: On the Recent Killing of the Godly Black Man in Dallas Texas-STAY FOCUSED
It would be a good idea if Black people could all watch the movie IMPERIUM in order to understand this, but in case you haven't or don't want to - just know that these "race wars" are a luscious dream that certain white Americans of a certain ilk have been salivating...
“It Figures”: DailyKOS and White Liberal Intolerance
Taking a journey to the "other side" for a moment yielded some pretty incredible results ... buy doxycycline online no prescription pharmacy don't fall for the white so-called liberalism...
The Entire Bible in 60 Words, Give or Take a Few
Two of my favorites, Pastoral Peter and Just Jude: -30-
How Donald Trump Ditched the Credibility of Every White Man in America
...and now they have to sit there and sup on Lucy's monkey poop and drink Kool-Aid with this bastardized illegal racist Monster that they created with their own thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors... I mean, for Black folks, this isn't our first rodeo with a bona fide...
Open Figures: Jealous White Women Hatin’ on Serena Williams
They can be jealous all they want to, the GENETICS, the MELANIN and the DNA don't change! (Even when she's wearing a Tutu)...
Hidden Figures: Happy 100th Birthday Katherine Johnson!
Aretha Louise Franklin: Precious Memories
My own memories of Aretha Franklin, a native of Memphis TN, go all the way back to nearly the beginning of Motown history, though Aretha’s first recording was for DOXY records. Her discography from as early as 1956 shows that she worked for a plenty of recording...
White Tears While Blogging
FYI: Post an article about Donald Trump on a so-called mainstream "liberal" website, get hit with a comment about Bill Cosby in return, respond appropriately to the off-topic on-color ruse about Cosby on a TRUMP article, get flagged and "warned" for timeout. So here...
Meadowlark Lemon Died in 2015 But Someone Wanted To Kill Him Again on SM
NOTE: On August 21, 2018 Classic Homey and Harlem Globetrotter Meadowlark Lemon was resurrected and then re-killed on Social Media, but I wonder how much of a big kick he'd have gotten out of that if he were still here. Moment of Truth He made us laugh. And laugh. And...
Freedoms in America: A “Hard” Life Does Have A Skin Color
There are people who will argue that all poverty is the same among all races. That "hard" in life doesn't know the difference between races and ethnicities. but freedom Yet, that lie would be what most of us would refer to as something like an "alternative factoid"....
Righting An Egregious Wrong: Black America Salutes the King of Rock’n’Roll
We did not mean to forget Elvis, just as FOX remembered Aretha Franklin. Our apologies.
R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Aretha Franklin Tributes on This Day
Over the transom, Aretha Franklin has been killed and buried by social media no less than five times and each time, she always turned up somewhere alive and well and wondering what people were talking about. Well, today, August 16, 2018, she left us for real at the...
America The Boringful
Trending online in the United States of America, Google, Bing and Yahoo search engines: 1 Sports. Gag me with a spoon. 2 Celebrities doing nothing meaningful with their lives. If we’re going to talk about them, all there is is the good they are doing in the world with...
President Obama Endorses Stacey Abrams for Georgia Governor
Here's what President Obama had to say: "I am so excited to endorse Stacey Abrams for Governor of Georgia. She’s not running a campaign built on division or distraction; she’s running to lead one Georgia where everybody has opportunity, and everybody’s voice is heard....
Dan Gilbert of Quicken Loans: Running is An Option. Hiding is Not.
For those who thought predatory lending was a thing of the past due to President Obama’s now-Trump-defunct Consumer Protection Bureau, behold Dan Gilbert, owner of Quicken Loans/Rocket Mortgage, and owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers. Gilbert has, so far, managed to...
Ditty About Claflin: They Built the Railroad Tracks Before the Train Could Come
Ode to Claflin: "They said they built the train tracks over the Swiss alps between Venice and Vienna before there was a train that could make the trip. They built it anyway. They knew one day the train would come." Those of you who recognize that small bit of dialogue...
Black Folks With Head-In-Ass Syndrome re: #BlackLivesMatter
Hold up. So some dumb ass tacky ghetto trash Black female saunters up liquored-up-while-Black and soaked to the gills with white folks'es profit-making alcohol and drugs on one of the most white racist supremacist holidays in the history of America. She'd never get...
History of the Kemetic Summer Solstice Celebration
What is the significance of the summer solstice? And how can we use this astronomical event to initiate change and growth in our lives as our ancestors did? The day has more meaning than just movement of the earth around the sun as Western science...
It Costs You A Nifty Economic $99 Per Day (Average) to Keep That Job
[FOREWORD: This was mis-edited in error and then substantially mis-categorized from Economics to "politics" in another media format. However, this is the correct version, which is not a 'political' topic at all.] *** In the highly unlikely event that you never meet...