UIMD: Recover Black America in 10 Steps

UIMD: Recover Black America in 10 Steps

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series … Step 1: Vote them out of office. Step 2: Clean house on your police and sheriff’s departments and demand accountability by demanding that they expose all background checks, criminal backgrounds, and any associations or...
UIMD: The Great American Jihad Caper

UIMD: The Great American Jihad Caper

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series… The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC recently reported on a news report written by Steve Benen about a “far rightwing” (i.e., American extremist fringe lunatic) and FOX television psychiatrist on his call for an...
UIMD: If Loving You is Wrong

UIMD: If Loving You is Wrong

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series… Moment of Truth. There was a time when Tyler Perry actually challenged the generations of Black people of our history into our futures, but in his quest to become the first Black billionaire movie producer, he has formed an...
UIMD: Who are your enemies?

UIMD: Who are your enemies?

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… Malcolm X: “Only a fool would allow his enemies to teach his children.” Who are your enemies? Those who would lie to you and to your children, those who would cover up their own faults and shortcomings, those who steal...