UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series…
The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC recently reported on a news report written by Steve Benen about a “far rightwing” (i.e., American extremist fringe lunatic) and FOX television psychiatrist on his call for an “American Jihad.”
We could all laugh, but it’s not funny. At all.
Yes, it is the same old “American jihad” that they and their ancestors have been promoting since the late 1400s. The one that has never done the world a bit of good, and wasn’t meant to. It was all about them then, it’s ALL about them and their kind now.
The gist of the conversation was: “Fox News contributor Dr. Keith Ablow wrote that “it’s time for an American jihad” to, forcibly if need be, convert every nation’s government into a reflection of the U.S. government. In an October 28 FoxNews.com op-ed, Ablow wrote that America’s history “proves our manifest destiny not only to preserve our borders and safety and national character at home, but to spread around the world our love of individual freedom and insist on its reflection in every government.”
Check the words, as we’ve heard them before: “Manifest Destiny“. American Jihad.

The Almighty Great Bubba of Humanity, Keith Ablow, says it is his given right to rule the world and you have no choice but to deal with it and do what they tell you the way they tell you to do it.
This Superman Mighty Whitey character, Ablow, seems to really believe that the world gives a flying eff about his personal beliefs about “love of individual freedom” that he thinks should be “reflected in every government.” And he insists, once again, on “spreading it around,”
He’s spreading something around alright, and we have already gotten a good GANDER at what the “love of individual freedom” looks like to you, Bubba.
We are well aware that this “freedom” you speak of is the same one that empowers you and disembowels and demeans everyone else who doesn’t “look” like your kind.
One question: Who the hell does this clown FOX comedy news contributor think he is?
It isn’t hard to wonder why certain Islamic people of the extremist ilk would feel a need to “fight fire with fire.” Thus, the bin Laden Meme.
As Black people in America, that “love of individual freedom” is not something any of us should take seriously coming from the likes of a white guy who had the unmitigated gall to use the words “our manifest destiny,” as if we don’t have a clue what he’s talking about. (Hint: Some of us don’t.)
I will have to agree with the words of our UI warrior, Patrick Irvine, paraphrased: “I love it when these racists get up, get funky and get loose. Let them come on out here and show us who they are and what they are all about. It not only validates what we’ve been saying all along, but it gives us all the ammunition we need to raise up and kick their **&^%**’s right back where they belong.” Or words to that effect. I interpreted that the best way I saw fit.
In a nutshell, every time a racist bigot comes out and does this, we ought to LOVE IT. Same thing with the Voting Rights Act. Those who are shouting “fraud” the loudest have been the ones defrauding everyone else, and my my MY, hit dogs how they do holla.
It not only validates us and proves that we were never paranoid, it also gives us a reason to fight back. It’s a prime motivator.
If it takes a racist bigoted act of this nature to light a match under our butts, so be it. Tell them to come on out here and tell it all. We’re waiting on it: Name/Rank/Serial Number. We want to know who you are, where you are, and exactly what you do believe in so we can put it on file for future reference. You’re being heard around the world, in REAL time and this does not work out in your favor.
Ablow feels like he and his kind have a right of “manifest destiny” to make everyone in the world believe what they believe, think what they think, and do what they do — and that there should not be any questions about it.
There has to come a day when we stop being civil about this kind of blatant bigotry and I am hoping that this means the sterile kid gloves come off and the floor is hit hard with these scumbags who think they “own” the world. There is certainly nothing civil about the way they dish it, so there should be nothing civil about what they get in return for it.
Ablow is talking about some kind of “American Jihad” as if there is no one here listening to him except his kind. He’s talking about it as if the folks over in other countries are going to lay down and accept it, whether they want it or not. THAT kind of “individual freedom” is not the kind any of us should want, need, or care to have.
We don’t need no stinkin’ individual freedom, Ablow … not the way you’re trying to dish it out. Y’all bastards watch too much histrionic ‘wilding out’ TV and ratchet white power movies for our tastes. What you are talking about has led to nothing more than individual freedom for you and your kith and kin, and imprisonment and slavery for everyone else in the world.
They want to lead a bloody unnecessary fight with extremists like themselves against extremists in other countries?, go for it. Just leave the rest of us out of it. Thus:

Sounds harsh? The terrorists call the terrorists terrorists for defending themselves against other people’s ideas of who THEY think ALL others should be.