UI Meme of the Day, a daily series…
Malcolm X: “Only a fool would allow his enemies to teach his children.”
Who are your enemies?
Those who would lie to you and to your children, those who would cover up their own faults and shortcomings, those who steal from you, kill your children, and destroy your communities…and who unnecessarily plot evil against you and yours because they have bought into their own histrionics and paranoia about WHO YOU ARE.

Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places…“
Those who would soften the truth, burn books and tell you that you must become what they are  if you want to succeed in life.
Those who would terrorize other human beings and then call them “terrorists” for fighting to protect what belongs to them.
Your enemies are those who would seek to deracinate themselves in order to fit into the status quo in order to place themselves above others in the social stratification.
Your enemies are those who would glorify the evils in your community while using different sets of words and phrases to justify their own evil.
Your enemies are those who think it not robbery to profit at your expense, but will call you a “welfare moocher” when you demand a place at the table that you set for them.