UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series …
Step 1: Vote them out of office.
Step 2: Clean house on your police and sheriff’s departments and demand accountability by demanding that they expose all background checks, criminal backgrounds, and any associations or affiliations with known racist organizations. Anyone who is charged with serving the public and being an “officer of the court” cannot keep those things to themselves. Your life matters and you have the right to know who they are and where they came from.
Step 3: Form a local Police Citizens’ Review Board to hold them accountable for every action they take that involves physical abuse, excessive force, or use of a lethal weapon. You know what’s up. Control the conversation.
Step 4: Make sure you are on the list to serve on jury duty, show up and do not complain. Too many Black men and women have gotten unfair sentences due to racist trial judges and juries who were put in place to make sure they are locked up on racial innuendos alone – evidence or no evidence. That is how Georgia got away with the judicial murder of Troy Davis on witness testimony only — even with no weapon, no DNA evidence, and witnesses who retracted and stated that they were coerced into testifying against him.
Step 5: Make sure you have a Black judge and majority black jurors so that any sentence you DO get will be fair and just and within legal boundaries. If you are on trial for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, you have a right to a jury of YOUR peers, not THEIRS. George Zimmerman made sure he was going to walk by not having a Black jury or judge, you can do the same. You can review and refuse those who are assigned to judge you to make certain you get a fair trial. That is your right.
Step 6: Make sure their kind STAYS out of office, off your judge’s benches, off your police forces, out of your sheriff’s departments, and OFF your school boards in every county, city, parish and township where you are accountable and responsible for YOUR ‘hood and the children in your jurisdiction.
Step 7: Police your own neighborhoods. Make sure there are stipulations in place about the handling of your children and teens and young adults within the parameters YOU set, not the ones that are set for you.
Step 8: VOTE, not only in the nationals, Â but also in the mid-terms every two years after a President is elected. Vote on your local levels for your county and city. Don’t even let a proposed REFERENDUM escape your glance.
Step 9: Form a local citizens legal review team that keeps tabs on every piece of legislation that goes through your state and your cities and local governments and municipalities. Set that team up to REVIEW all laws that have been passed in the past for judicial “right-standing” and for indications that they fade out under “color of law.” If any lawmakers in your jurisdiction are associated with ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council), you are already in trouble. Get them gone immediately. They are responsible for “Stand Your Ground” laws, meant to protect whites only and to persecute and prosecute Blacks. That’s how Marissa Alexander nearly lost 20 years of her life for no reason and that is why Zimmerman walked away after committing an act of racial harassment, the stalking and murder of a 17-year old who was walking home from the convenience store to watch a football game.
Step 10: Put the weapons down and stop shooting each other, until and unless it IS a matter of life or death. If that happens, then it doesn’t matter who it is –it can be the police themselves when you have to defend yourself– that’s when the gloves come off for anybody and everybody. Period. Handle your business.
*If you do not do the minimum that it will take to get things in order in America, then you aren’t mad enough. Yet.
How much more Black blood will be spilled before you actually do get mad?