China Investing $60 Billion in African Development!

China Investing $60 Billion in African Development!

China announced a Billion in African Development going forward in a move set to concrete it’s involvement in the continent. buy cymbalta online no prescription pharmacy Maybe, most...
Taking the Race out of Racism

Taking the Race out of Racism

I read good article in Slate today (url below) about young people’s attitudes about race and racism. The authors outlined various studies that had been conducted as well as poll results showing that young people are just as fucked up about race as we are. There...
5 Reasons Why We Need A Think-tank

5 Reasons Why We Need A Think-tank

According to Meriam-Webster’s online dictionary, Think-tank is defined as: an institute, corporation, or group organized for interdisciplinary research (as in technological and social problems) —called also think factory The full definition reads: Institute,...
The Issue is US

The Issue is US

 I don’t dress like today’s youth and luckily my era had a different dress code. I, however, am afraid that we are telling our young boys that how you look makes a difference in whether or not you’ll be successful in this country. We all have a...
Its Time for a Black Family Sit Down

Its Time for a Black Family Sit Down

Alright Black America sit down and let’s have a chit chat.  I want to address a few issues between the men and the women.  This isn’t going to be your typical “why don’t you to come together” speech, this isn’t going to be that regular “we are the world” jazz, and...
My Nigga, My Nigga, My Nigga

My Nigga, My Nigga, My Nigga

The N-Word – I have told myself time and time again that I would write something about the argument that is going on within our nation about the term nigger/nigga. I have went back and forth with myself about whether or not it is ever okay to use this word,...