Interesting that Steven A. Smith found himself in hot water for poor word choice while basically articulating something that most of us agree with (it’s not okay for women to hit or antagonize men just like it’s not okay for men to EVER hit or antagonize women), but has never found himself in trouble for some of the ridiculousness he has spewed against Black America. Lesson learned I hope, you can talk trash about black folk all day long, but you’d better not talk about anyone else, especially not anyone with a lobbying group and a nationally well funded agenda. That message has been reiterated time and time again. Well guess what, it just got reiterated again.
In the clip above Bill O’Reilly unsurprisingly takes a swipe at Black America by stating, “You trap the blacks, its part of the culture, in some ghetto neighborhoods 9 year old boys and girls are smoking it.” This statement was made in reference to the legalization of marijuana. This man has become an expert on black life in White America going on tour to tell people what “the problem in Black America” is and normally what is coming out of his mouth is extremely off base and/or degrading. But what do you think, should we be spending this much time talking about and celebrating the disciplinary actions giving to SAS over his comments about women and domestic violence, or should we be focusing more on disparaging comments made about Black America by people with a national platform?