by Patrick Irvine | Dec 1, 2015 | Blog
Shereen Renee (aka “Reneegede”) is an author, biographer, web developer, blogger, and journalist and CEO of greeneINK Digital Media. A former (Ret.) Atlanta, GA real estate paralegal and former news clerk with the Columbus (GA) Ledger-Enquirer, she is host...
by Patrick Irvine | Nov 17, 2015 | Culture
Recently I was asked to explain a term I have been using rather frequently, its not a new term but its not exactly a well known term either. Its a term that defines and colors every effort for equality and demands equal pressure applied from both angles before that...
by Patrick Irvine | Oct 14, 2015 | Modern History, Positivity
September 22, 2015 more than 40 FAMU Law graduates were sworn in. In a city and a state that is constantly trying to dismantle the historic HBCU and hand the pieces as well as the funding over to FSU, FAMU continues to exist and continues to prove that it is one of...
by Patrick Irvine | Oct 7, 2015 | Opinion
Racist and Racism. Two terms that cause an uneasy feeling in most people that hear them. They spark an instant defense mechanism in most people when applied to themselves or someone close to them. Indeed it would seem that to be called a racist in 2015 is to be called...
by Patrick Irvine | Sep 24, 2015 | Blog
According to The National, OSN, one of the largest television subscription services in the Middle East and North Africa will not be airing new episodes of the Daily Show since replacing Jon Stewart with Trevor Noah. Â The show which had previously done pretty well on...
by Patrick Irvine | Sep 24, 2015 | Culture, Positivity
Joseph Ward AKA the trans-racial, trans-species, Japanese Camel Ned Yakamoto Operates out of Tallahassee Florida. He is an AIDS/HIV Health Consultant, Motivational Speaker and Entrepreneur. His business, Live Skilled Live Fulfilled, is a life skills company centered...
by Patrick Irvine | Aug 22, 2015 | Culture
Every now and then it becomes necessary to take a break from social media and the constant beating of the proverbial drum for war, enlightenment, evolution, devolution and all of the many other things that people like to discuss in virtual spaces (seemingly so they...
by Patrick Irvine | Apr 25, 2015 | Culture
Urban Intellectuals has been involved in a 2 year study to figure out if men were really intimidated by success in women. The survey which was sent out to well over 50k people yielded responses that will puzzle some, but also opens the door to many new questions. ...
by Patrick Irvine | Nov 30, 2014 | Blog, Culture, News
This article was written and Sent to us by Brother Maurice Muhammad. After six years of paralysis by the DC Government (including the Mayor’s office, Health Department, Child and Family Services, DC Police Department and DC Public School), we have been bringing each...
by Patrick Irvine | Oct 6, 2014 | Culture, History
Lots of emphasis has been put on Black inventors over the past few decades in America. Access to information has caused heated debates on who the inventions actually belong to especially as it pertains to race. This becomes a matter of importance for black people...