UIMD: And Justice for Whom?

UIMD: And Justice for Whom?

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series… Once again, we’ve seen the American standard of lynching Black people applied to the Nth degree in America, and the good news is that today’s so-called “new” Blacks are witnessing what their parents and...
UIMD: Dred Scott is Still in Full Effect

UIMD: Dred Scott is Still in Full Effect

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series… Today’s meme could not be overlooked or bypassed for the sake of political correctness and forum decorum. It is a bone-chilling hardcore truth about the nastiness of a nation in which Black people have lived, served, and...
I’m Sorry for This, But …

I’m Sorry for This, But …

I am sorry that it took the deaths of Michael Brown of Ferguson MO, Jordan Davis of Marietta GA, John Crawford of Beavercreek, OH, Troy Davis of Savannah GA, Chris Garner of New York City, Trayvon Martin of Sanford FL (as if Trayvon’s murder wasn’t enough...
Ratchet Stuff On Facebook

Ratchet Stuff On Facebook

In honor of “Boycott Facebook Day” on September 11 and 12, 2014, I’m going to do something historically erroneous and say this: NOW THAT I’VE GOT YOUR ATTENTION… I could not title this article/post “The Black American Economics of...