by Reneegede | Oct 12, 2014 | Opinion
UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… STONE COLD BONE CHILLING. There isn’t a lot anyone can add to this conversation piece. — Anonymous has been around for awhile now, and he/she/they aren’t just in the United States of America. Sometimes, watching...
by Reneegede | Oct 11, 2014 | Opinion
UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… Now one has to ask a serious question about what possesses certain white people to behave in such an insolent and crude neanderthal-like sniveling manner, and why they’d be stupid enough to pay money to market it in public,...
by Reneegede | Oct 9, 2014 | Opinion
UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… After generations and multitudes of fraudulent lies told to us about The Black Panther Party, we have come to the knowledge and understanding that Black Americans have been consistently terrorized for more than 500 years. As a...
by Reneegede | Oct 8, 2014 | Opinion
UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… CLOSE YOUR EYES, you know you want to. You’re getting sleepy, s l e e p y, s l e e p i e r ~ ~ ~ NOW WAKE THE HELL UP! GET OUT OF THAT DAMMED BED AND MAKE IT UP BEFORE YOU LEAVE! buy temovate online...
by Reneegede | Oct 8, 2014 | Opinion
“Elementary Genocide: From Primary to Penitentiary” exposes the socially engineered mechanism created by our government and utilizing the public school system to label elementary aged African American males as work for hire targets within the US penal...
by Reneegede | Oct 7, 2014 | Opinion
UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… There’s not much of anything left here to be said. Entirely speaks for itself. BURN. Next time someone says something about “black people on welfare,” understand that too many of us Black folk are still living in...
by Reneegede | Oct 5, 2014 | Opinion
UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… Today’s UI Meme of the Day is a Video that speaks for itself. Nuff said! Black people around America, in all nooks and crannies and in all areas where you have police services, judges, and courtrooms. Stand and learn a HARD...
by Reneegede | Oct 4, 2014 | Opinion
UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… As the saying goes, the thing you dread and fear the most … . For whatever reason, the ‘cosmos’ and the universe is set to respond inherently to your deepest desires or your most dreaded fears, including outright...
by Reneegede | Oct 1, 2014 | Opinion
UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… The Black American family needs healing on so many levels: The inherent treachery of Africa to sell off their own brothers and sisters into slavery; The aftermath of the trans-Atlantic slave passage that is still a festering wound...
by Reneegede | Sep 28, 2014 | Opinion
UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… This isn’t the first time it’s happened. “White guilt” trying to appease itself of any serious wrongdoing or damage by the effort to whitewash history and make it appear to be something other than what it...