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#CrimingWhileWhite Hashtag Exposes Police Racial Injustice

#CrimingWhileWhite Hashtag Exposes Police Racial Injustice

Twitter is known for creating interesting, engaging and authentic conversations around social issues in using their now infamous hashtags. The Eric Garner cop killers Grand Jury decision not to indict erupted a new one, #CrimingWhileWhite. What makes this hashtag and...
UIMD: …and all the Black Women, too…

UIMD: …and all the Black Women, too…

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series… Listen to the video above carefully, for the gist of the documentary’s conversation is … “Black people are supposed to salute Bull Connor for being such a horrifically sorry piss-change excuse for a human...
UIMD: And Justice for Whom?

UIMD: And Justice for Whom?

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series… Once again, we’ve seen the American standard of lynching Black people applied to the Nth degree in America, and the good news is that today’s so-called “new” Blacks are witnessing what their parents and...