UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series…
Mr. President Barack H. Obama Jr., I have been one of your staunchest supporters up to now, but this non-indictment of the murderer of Eric Garner yesterday has gone over the top. Not that YOU didn’t indict him, but what you said about it not being a “black or white” issue, I must beg to differ.
Though no man of ANY race deserves to be killed over some got-damned cigars OR cigarettes, or any material shit for that matter, and especially not killed for breaking up a FIGHT as did Eric Garner, this is the kind of shit we have seen happen over and over again, and the target is damned near EXCLUSIVELY Black and colored men and women.
What the fuck does I CAN’T BREATHE mean to a cop when they harassed and then attacked him and murdered him with an illegal choke hold? The words I CAN’T BREATHE should have been enough for them to loosen up that chokehold IMMEDIATELY! They already had him where they wanted him, the death warrant was not needed.
o, this bastard cop killer did not get arrested, but the person who filmed this craziness for the whole world to see DID. None of our asses should be able to BREATHE right now. What the got-damned hell is THAT shit all about? Seriously?
Oh yes … no doubt that you can do the “it’s not a Black or white thing” for campaign road speeches and all other such generic political shit, but this is a horse of a totally different color and his name is Blackie.
Oh THIS is most definitely a BLACK and COLORED ISSUE, and damned near EXCLUSIVELY so, with a few exceptions from time to time.
I have no doubt that these planet bastards are MORE THAN WILLING to kill one of their own just to hear the words “It’s not a Black issue or a white issue,” so they will MAKE those sacrifices to maintain white supremacy in this country.
Even two or three whites every now and again compared to a Black or colored person being murdered all day every other day or at least two or three times a WEEK can’t be put on the other side of the RACE scale and FORCED to equal or balance out. White people commit more crimes than Black people do all day every day, but the chances that they will be murdered for it — even for KILLING PEOPLE, is slim to none.
No way, no got-damned how is this NOT racist!
No WHITE mother has to sleep night and day in fear and traumatized that her son will be murdered just for stepping outside his door as did Amadou Diallo, or that her seven year old daughter will be murdered IN HER SLEEP as was Aiyana Jones, or that her son will be pulled over in a routine traffic stop and then shot while handcuffed and lying in the ground as was KENNETH WALKER of Columbus, Georgia, who had NEVER committed a crime or even had so much as a parking ticket in his ENTIRE short-lived LIFE.
Just shot in the back of the head for no damned reason whatsoever and that twatwaffle cop walked. He ought to have to sleep with Mr. Walker’s embalmed dyk shoved up his white racist ass for the rest of his life.
And that isn’t even the HALF of it since the Police Departments around America were all derived from the need to “catch slaves.” They have never forgotten that mission even though there are no more escaping slaves, and they have trained Black cops to do the same.
Before that, most of America was mostly self-protected and self-controlled as to community policing issues. America got REAL got-damned racist, as if it wasn’t already bad enough before that, on President Millard Fillmore’s watch in 1850. They’re not over that, these southerners for the most part are still pissed off about losing the Civil War. They’ll tell you it isn’t so, but WATCH WHAT THEY DO and not what they say. Our own Georgia governor was seen “palling around with a Scarlett O’Hara stage play character” as if it was still 1865.
Oh no, Black and colored folk would hold that scale down on the UNEQUAL RACIST-ASS SIDE unquestionably unchallenged.
I have no doubt whatsoever about that and it is mainly because the KKK never left the police departments.
It was bad enough for the Black and colored men who do commit crimes, but when you live in a country, in a nation, where WHITE KILLERS are apprehended alive and BLACK MEN WHO ARE UNARMED AND DO NOT DESERVE THE DEATH PENALTY FOR SOME PETTY SHIT that a white guy would NOT be killed for are MURDERED, there is something INSIDIOUSLY racist about that shit.
Something is most definitely and most definitively RACIST and Black AND colored AS HELL ABOUT THAT; and they do, can, and will kill one of their own every now and then to throw us all of that dog scent, but the police and sheriffs are The Government-instituted Mafia around here, that much is certain.
I would call anyone to the carpet for telling THAT lie, including the President of the United States of America.
I realize myself that they are trying to start a “race war” and the BLATANT attempt to throw you, Mr. President, into the middle of it so that you can be forced to choose a side here is MORE THAN OBVIOUS. Then they will feel thoroughly justified in doing what racists do and starting that Race War they are itching for. Charles Manson even tried to start it by killing Sharon Tate and all those others, then painting “Pig” in their blood to make it appear that some Black people did it.
Your public stance may be to keep us all safe for now, but you know what? We done shed too much blood IN and OVER this country to sit around telling lies just to appease white racists who cause these issues and then try to pretend it’s OUR fault that they do what they do.
We’re not safe no matter what we do …
not even ME.
[And I’ve got my own bone to pick on some racist shit where they tried to turn ME into a criminal for being harassed, assaulted, and robbed by a house full of drunken drug addicted racist white females. Their main house bitch filed false police reports AND perjured herself in court and even with my evidence in my hand, they attempted to turn ME into the got-damned criminal. It was RACIST AS HOLY HAYELL even with me, and I was not murdered, but they damned sure tried it. But that’s another story for another day.]
I can’t even imagine what the families of these DEAD men must be going through right now.
We know what they are doing, and we know why.
But we also know that somewhere deep down inside you, you have GOT to know, Mr. President, the REAL reason for this shit, and the REAL reason why Black people are so frustrated and infuriated that they are even KILLING EACH OTHER and self-imploding over unimportant bullshit.
It was NOT THIS WAY with us before THOSE nasty white folks got their greedy grubby paws on our children and our neighborhoods, and by “white folks” the ones who do it know exactly who they are. It was never ALL of them, but it damned sure is the MAJORITY of them, including the chicken-shit ones who know it’s wrong and don’t speak out. As Martin Luther King Jr once repeated “There comes a time when silence is more of a crime than the crime itself,” or words to that effect and impact.
WE are not the ones, Mr President, who came up with these drugs, these guns, these weapons of mass destruction, these biological weapons like Ebola and AIDs, et al, or these overblown militarized Neo-Nazi skinhead Aryan ideas about white supremacist control over all other races, OR the KKK institution in the police departments.
No, WE did not start this fire. EVER in the history of the world, did Black people do this. And as to the hand full of white people this happens to, tell them for us that they ought to have their asses kicked like Garner for not standing with these Black people, hand in hand, effing boots on the ground.
No matter what happens from this point going forward, America will never again have the credibility to call for any kind of democracy and righteousness or justice in any country in the world. There are members of the military who will readily admit that this nation has not been a “great” one since it lost WWII and turned itself over to Nazi Hitleresque ideas about everyone who lives here who isn’t white. America surely cannot demand for or from anyone else what it never was, or was never an example of itself. This nation’s days for judging other nations and measuring out right from wrong is done and over with — that much has been proven to the entire world.
Now would be the time for you, Mr President, to Executive-order a damned clean sweep of ALL background checks for every single police officer and sheriff’s department in this country, and that includes the Klannish ties of Joe Arpaio out in Maricopa County, ARYANZONA. That fat red-faced murdering conniving planet bastard is the worst of them all when it comes to shit like this; he is the total reincarnation of pink panty-wearing cross-dressing J. Edgar Hoover himself.
Body cameras ain’t gonna cut it by themselves, though they are needed — but when the person who filmed the assault and murder of Eric Garner can be arrested for filming the shit they did to him, it doesn’t make a hill-a-beans difference what a film shows.
There is a need for the body cameras, but that alone isn’t going to cut it.
There is also a need for witness protection cameras in case something ‘goes wrong’ with those body cameras (and they will), for an overhaul of the policing systems across the nation, and for public open records reviews of background and mental health checks on every damned police officer in this country, period.
The Fed also needs to execute a demand for Citizens Review Boards nationwide in ALL police departments to check and balance ALL grand jury decisions where there is loss of life, and only the CITIZENS REVIEW BOARD made up of a jury of the peers OF THE DECEASED, not the grand wizard jury peers of the white supremacist faction. Even Blacks on Grand juries can be pushed into making a wrongheaded decision, so the Citizens Review Boards ON PUBLIC RECORD ON PUBLIC TELEVISION need to carry the final decision AFTER the grand jury decision, indictment or no. It can be an audio recorded and legally transcribed CITIZENS REVIEW so their private identities are not known.
This is too twisted and it is FAR TOO OBVIOUSLY RACIST to play the “It’s not a Black or white or Latina issue” THIS time. It damned sure is RACIST…as hell.
If history is any gauge on this matter, they will be trying Eric Garner “post-mortem” for the law he allegedly broke for being Black with single cigarettes in his hand and breaking up a damned street fight.
Bet on it.
Glorifying White MOB Violence in American Culture, but calling the Black people who emulate them VIOLENT THUGS? Say it ain’t so.