by Claytron Brown | Jul 27, 2013 | History
The image above will undoubtedly enrage some Black Christians, well, at least those who don’t know their own history. Those who don’t know that Jesus was a threat to the status quo of his day and was persecuted just like any African American in this...
by Spirit of Thoth | Jul 12, 2013 | Blog, Business, History
Money… It truly makes the world go round. Not just for the acquisition of trinkets, but with general morality as well. The Americans before us used to mach, hold protests, and riot in the streets to get their points across. However did any of this truly make a...
by Spirit of Thoth | Jul 8, 2013 | Blog, Celebrities, History, News
Now I’m probbably going to be called an “Uncle Tom” or “White Washed” because of ths new post… But so the F^#% what. I see a growing problem in our community. That problem is the black journalist/TV reporter?correspondent/Talk Show...
by Nathan McTeer | Jul 2, 2013 | Blog, History
For years African Americans have been used as complacent pawns to a failing system of American Education. I have been a student in Baltimore City Schools for years and the constricting structures of policing blackness has appalled me. Â If we take a minute to analyse...
by jerryl | Jul 2, 2013 | Blog, History
Uncle Tom History has not been kind to Uncle Tom, the hero of Uncle Tom’s Cabin and one of the most popular figures of nineteenth-century American fiction. After its initial burst of sensational popularity and influence, Uncle Tom’s Cabin fell into neglect. Its...
by Furious | Jun 12, 2013 | Celebrities, History, News
WASHINGTON—Oprah Winfrey is giving $12 million to a museum being built on Washington’s National Mall that will document African-American history, officials said Tuesday. The media mogul and former talk-show host previously gave $1 million to the National Museum...
by Furious | May 28, 2013 | History
This is Black History. The School system made it a mystery. They tried to lay a foundation for you and me. So we put it in our music for you to see
by Patrick Irvine | May 19, 2013 | Blog, History
I figured it was time to begin looking at some of the facts of the black community and analyzing them. Not only has this spawned my black fact series of video blogs, but it has also caused me to develop an even deeper passion for my community; the Black American...
by Furious | Apr 19, 2013 | History
Did you know the Original Statue of Liberty presented to the U.S. was a Statue of a…”Black Woman”. There is a lot of history that didn’t make it into the history books for our schools. READ, get you a book and educate yourself. A History Lesson...
by Furious | Apr 15, 2013 | History
Note: UI attached the phrase “non-immigrants” to the title. This descriptor cannot be attached to any other people. That single word has the power to bring forth memories of slave screams, blood-shed, lynching, raping and the unrepentant theft of...