The Origins of the Crucifix

by | Jul 27, 2013 | History | 0 comments


The image above will undoubtedly enrage some Black Christians, well, at least those who don’t know their own history. Those who don’t know that Jesus was a threat to the status quo of his day and was persecuted just like any African American in this nation. Jesus was a political prisoner who was purportedly executed for his beliefs and sway. Black Christians need to re-crucify WHITE Jesus and search for the historical Jesus that is rooted in their own folk mythology. Even the cross, which is derived from pagan mythology is misunderstood by not just Black Christians, but most people who would call themselves religious.

The TRUTH about the Cross. Notice the Pharoah on the right sitting by the holy symbols. In mathematics what is the symbol for addition? 1+1=2 You see the cross symbol in between the numbers. And 3 x 3=9 there it is again a cross leaning at a 90 degree angle. And the division symbol ÷ which is a dot on top a line across and a dot on the bottom. A cross again. The cross is used in all mathematics and geometry. And who invented mathematics?

the truth about the cross

Hmmmm? OUR people. Ok then. The two great cross. The cross of Egypt and the Coptic Cross of ethiopia. The cross of Egypt the bar is slightly higher. This cross is used in the Western Christian churches. And the Ethiopian Coptic Cross which is equal on all four sides was taking and used by the Templar Knights of Europe and the Secret Societies. Deep! Let us reclaim our history, stories, myths, destinies, and our minds. Liberate yourself from European Jesus and White Christianity.

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