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The United Stenches of America | Urban Intellectuals

The United Stenches of America

by | Mar 10, 2019 | Opinion | 0 comments

Today’s Top Headlines
…or “Let A White Man Tell The Truth” or “Let The Chuch Say ‘Amen’ or ‘Oh Me’

Donald Trump has perfected the art of telling a fake story about America. The only way to counter that is to tell the real story of America. Trump’s story isLINK

Jared Kushner ‘will eventually be exposed as an insatiably greedy Benedict Arnold’: Harvard Law professor LINK

Even When They are Guilty They Are Innocent: The “Persecution” of D J Durkin LINK. Keep in mind that he only set up circumstances that killed a young Black man, which is why this writer says “It ain’t that serious.” Talk about anti-Semitism.

Skip The Impeachment…Hanging’s Too Good for Him LINK

Dems are Enabling Anti-Semitism LINK . In a moment, that word ‘anti-Semite’ is about to stop working for them. The GOP has been persecuting and prosecuting Semites on American plantations and reservations for more than 500 years. #TheDNAisReal. The religion is a European ruse.


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