by Reneegede | Mar 21, 2017 | Opinion
Foreword White America note: You bought the numerous racist lies about Black people and helped carry them over and through this nation’s history through media, television, books and white privilege, now eat it off the table of the fat orange overbloated belly of...
by Reneegede | Oct 9, 2014 | Opinion
WE should only be talking about the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan, right? Wrong. There are many Black and colored people who are Islamic persons (Muslims) who are not affiliated with the Nation of Islam, but let’s just take this more recent loud...
by Reneegede | Sep 22, 2014 | Opinion
UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… Never let it be said that some of us haven’t been accused of indulging in too much “Obamapologetics,” but … well … the truth is the truth. The rules that applied to other Presidents should apply to...
by Reneegede | Aug 2, 2014 | Opinion
It’s an election year (Mid-terms 2014) and all of the snakes and serpents of olden times and ancient Eden raise their heads out of their dens and nests every election year, sniffing the air looking for trouble like old Beelzebul himself. They often come with...
by Reneegede | Jun 20, 2014 | Opinion
Frank Marshall Davis was born in 1905 in Arkansas City, Kansas, and Stanley Ann Dunham, Barack Obama’s birth mother, was born in Wichita, or Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, depending on whom you ask. In 1942. Before Barack Obama leaves office in January of 2017, we...
by Furious | Oct 1, 2013 | News
Congress has failed you again, American people. By now, there is no way this surprises you, but it will impact your life immediately. This isn’t like the sequester, which we endured not too long ago. The Government Shutdown will be felt around the country...
by M Jamaar Davis | Jul 14, 2013 | Blog
What if slavery as we now know it was removed from the history books? What would you say if your child was being taught that not only was slavery good for the nation, but good for the slaves as well? What would you say if your child came home and said that the...