Untwist The Narrative: By Covert Action The Democratic Party Gave Trump This Election

by | Mar 21, 2017 | Opinion | 0 comments


White America note: You bought the numerous racist lies about Black people and helped carry them over and through this nation’s history through media, television, books and white privilege, now eat it off the table of the fat orange overbloated belly of one of your own kind and your own race. Eat well and enjoy it, because everything you SAID about us, American Black people, showed up and showed out on a white male of your own making – and that one is -45, the Aryan racist Donald J. Trump. He is the epitome and capitalization of everything ill and nasty that the racist faction of America tried to smear on Black people all of these years with these Jim Crow attitudes about us. White America turned on us and looked the other way when they were doing it to us; but now that you own it and him, the hatred and lack of caring that you had for Black people due to decades, say centuries, of white-skinned vitriolic lackadaisical sins has come back to haunt you in the form of one of your own, and that is Trump: The monster that racism and white privilege created.

Untwist This: Moment of Truth

Bernie Sanders should have been President, old age and all.

White votes run the ball, but the Black vote usually kicks in the Field Goal at the last minute, and no one bothered to find out why Black America had no internalized love whatsoever for Hillary Clinton. She assumed, wrongly, that since Black America was so in love with her husband [#not] that she had a clear end field to the White House Oval Office, and she came spottily into the neighborhood late at night, buck-dancing, carousing, and hedging her Black vote bet on stereotypes that offended.

The DNC never even paid attention to the fact that the same Black people who kicked in the Field Goal for Barack Obama -twice- decided not to vote at all after Sanders was gone, or voted for Trump instead jut to say “fuck you” to Hillary Clinton, and Bill. Bad move on the part of the DNC, who took a lot for granted this time.

They allowed Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a pretend Democrat with snow white German Aryan motives, to destroy Bernie Sanders enough to give the election to Trump.

Not understanding, and/or trying to dilute the power and strength of the Black vote is not a good thing, especially not for Democrats. Yet, these were the same Obamaesque Democrats who laid down and let their Party and this nation’s long-standing Democratic voting tradition be utterly destroyed by a bunch of race-mongering thug mongrel Tea Partiers through the installation of Citizens United, allowing ALEC to roll back voting rights for youth and minorities, use Lee Atwater’s Southern Strategy to dilute Black America, and by taking Trump for an insider’s joke instead of fighting vehemently to stop him in his tracks a long time ago when he could have been stopped.

A lot of “bad” and “negative” news wasn’t going to stop Trump, so “fake news” does not work for us like it does them.

The DNC could have benefited by perusing the playbook pages from the Tea Party, especially about changing and making up laws as you go.

The Constitution and the laws we currently have allow for it, and the DNC relied too heavily on old antiquated U.S. constitutional laws or the negative absence of legal precedent, and it cost them dearly. Why even do that when we live in a time where the U.S. Constitution itself is too old (and too circumstantially racist) to work in this day and age regardless?

Bernie Sanders was on task to beat Trump – and the Dems, for reasons unknown to us, sabotaged him, thus giving the election to Trump, with or without them stuffing the electoral college with illegal immigrants who weren’t even qualified to vote let alone choose a President.

They never even stopped to consider just how many Black voters were just as against Hillary as they were against Donald, at first.

We get it.

Trump is just as crooked as Clinton, Crooked Hillary = Crooked Donald; but Clinton had already been in office before and had done the wrong things many MANY times with regard to Black citizens … to the point where most Black people felt she couldn’t be trusted at all. For many Black voters, Trump -untried and untested in the political arena, but still some big reality show world mental case mogul in a nation that watches too damned much TV anyway- was the lesser of the two evils.

I didn’t think so at the time because I refused to vote for either evil; but it appears the Russian majority ruled anyway; and Russia is now only a half-step removed from Third Reich Aryan Germany.

All things considered, what The Illustrious Black Vote could have done was voted for Clinton ‘en masse’ and then held her feet to the fire for the next four years while she cleaned up the mess she and her husband made. She could have been forced to amend for past sins; but when Bernie left, many of the Black electorate threw in the towel and/or voted for Trump mainly out of slap revenge.

Bernie should have won.

He was the only one who could have beat Trump, especially with white votes running the ball and Black votes kicking the field goal in the end zone, which is how we’ve really been playing this game from nearly the very beginning.


Anyone who believed, as Trump said, that the Democratic Party “did nothing” for Black people all these years was dead wrong, in spite of the fact that they screwed this election up ROYALLY by assuming Hillary was automatically ‘the Black Choice’ by osmosis of historical precedent.

The ones who think the Dems did nothing for us whatsoever truly need to study and RE-study their Black American history and quit riding on sheer emotions. Printed in a school book or not, Black elderly citizens who lived through the Civil Rights Movement are living walking libraries all by themselves. Ask them why Black people left the Republican Party in the early 1960s in DROVES. My Aunt Mabel, God rest her soul, explained it to me just before she died in 2009; and though she didn’t get vehemently upset about much, she was spitting nails on the Republican Party. Turned out she was right about them and the way they manipulated the vote by doing the very same things the Tea Party did throughout the Obama years.

Sanders was against reparations, true enough; but so was Barack Obama and apparently every single President before him. Trump definitely will NEVER be for reparations and will do everything in his power to make sure it NEVER happens as it rightly should, so a vote for him was a “necessary evil” in a sense. According to THEM, Black people don’t count anyway – never did and never will.

By not voting handily in mid-term elections in 2010 and 2014, and by slacking on the need to stay on top of our LOCAL and state LEVEL politicians, a Trump was bound and destined to follow up President Barack Obama, because we allowed it to happen by playing head games and messing around with the GOP’s racist Tea Party back when they were out for the kill and got it.

We Black folk had a lot to lose by Trump winning this election cycle, so he was wrong on that point; but for him and his “D.C. Mar-a-Lago” cronies, this netherworld political party is just beginning…and Trump is nothing more or less than the white skinned N-word they once believed WE were, gold-laden palaces, bitches, ho’s, baby mama’s, gangstas, thugs, and all.

If Trump stays and is/is not re-elected, there is no coming back from this the next time. The US presidency went straight into the toilet on his watch; but this is not our first rodeo either. We’ve seen his kind before and many times before; so for us, one racist is the same as another one. They are all alike, and this particular white-colored nigger in the White House is not new or news to Black America.

Barack Obama can’t fix what we let them break, even if he did run again in 2020 AND WIN. So…

Let the bloodletting begin.


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