Domestic Violence and Abuse in Black America

Domestic Violence and Abuse in Black America

Ah, it wasn’t that long ago that MSNBC’s Toure got in some deep muckety-muck for using the words “The power of whiteness,” in response to a transgender “Jewish” female who said that her ancestors survived the Holocaust, came to...
Shoot ’em Up Bang Bang In Chicago Part I

Shoot ’em Up Bang Bang In Chicago Part I

Every week end we get a murder report from Chicago, this week they killed forty-two more African Americans. One of the craziest ideas I heard was from Roland Martin Show. He recommended that Marshall Law be declared, and the government send in the troops. Chicago...
Firearms and That Very False Sense of Security

Firearms and That Very False Sense of Security

Well, it has happened again: Elliott Rodger, another “good guy with a gun” has become the most recent headline news and re-labeled a criminal. Funny thing about those future “bad guys with guns”…by the time they get labeled as such,...