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Firearms and That Very False Sense of Security | Urban Intellectuals

Firearms and That Very False Sense of Security

by | Jun 2, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

Well, it has happened again: Elliott Rodger, another “good guy with a gun” has become the most recent headline news and re-labeled a criminal. Funny thing about those future “bad guys with guns”…by the time they get labeled as such, it’s too late.

An on-going debate that is more controversial than Roe-v-Wade and “gay” rights are the ideologies directly related to the NRA (National Rifle Association) and the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

AMENDMENT II: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Let’s talk for a moment about some of the beliefs that allegedly support the idea that guns/weapons/firearms are for the purpose of protection.

1 Guns do not protect anyone. Period. Ever.

There is no guarantee of safety regardless of how many “criminals” are on the loose, most of whom are non-violent. There is always and forever “the element of surprise.” People with lethal weapons are easily caught off guard, especially by someone who already knows what to expect.

2 Cars, knives, spoons, baseball bats -or anything else that can be used as a weapon- is no excuse for co-signing the complete proliferation of gun violence. That is a false and immature argument.

3 Many/most crimes are committed by folks who were not mentally ill until AFTER the fact.

It is a defeasible defense to feign mental malfeasance in order to get out of the highest punishment on the books. Stigmatizing people with mental health issues–the majority of whom do not commit violent crimes–is not a valid reason to single out voiceless people for examples of who should not have a weapon–predicated upon the bad choices of others.

4 Said a police officer, when asked about open carry policies in public places: “The answer to flying bullets is not more flying bullets.”

And I might add, none of those ‘flying bullets’ are ‘tagged’ specifically for guilty persons and known criminals. When they are flying, they don’t care who they hit.

5 It’s hard to feel particularly bad for anyone who carries a weapon, because if things turn around and go fatally wrong, they sorta asked for it. It’s easier to feel empathy or sympathy (if you’ve been there and can relate) for someone who was killed and not armed at the time than someone who was.

Using the President to Justify Unwarranted Killing

How many death threats do you get per year?

6 Using a President of the United States, whose life, and the lives of his wife and children, is under actual threat on a 24/7 basis, as bait to justify the false notion of your own life being under constant threat is a false flag op. Typically, these are the types of people who like to leverage fear as a way to make money.

7 Assault and automatic weapons have no place outside of a SWAT team or a bona fide all out live military combat war. Period.

8 The knee-jerk reaction of simply arming church people, store-goers, restaurant hikers, and teachers is asking for trouble.

All it will take to bring that noise to a deadly halt is the first man who finds out the preacher is screwing around with his wife, the first 17-year old playing his music too loud or wearing a hoodie while walking home from a convenience store to go watch a football game, or the first administrator who ticks off a frustrated teacher who doesn’t appreciate being scolded, let alone fired.

9 What’s the point in having one (a gun) if you’re not going to keep it loaded, cocked, and your finger on the trigger 24/7?

Sleep with both eyes open and stay mentally alert at all times, because there is more of a chance you will be murdered by someone IN your house or family than some random criminal who just decides it’s a nice day to kill.

It’s a false sense of security when a weapon is locked away in a gun cabinet or tucked away someplace and nobody knows what’s coming next. Adam Lanza is not the first person to kill a parent who bought weapons and taught their child to use them. He won’t be the last.

Elliott Rodger: Good Guy One Day; Criminal the Next

Elliott Rodger: Good Guy with Gun One Day; Criminal used Gun the Next

10 While SOME folks are busy talking about Black-on-Black crime, a question to the white folk about white-on-white crime becomes glaringly obvious.

Speaking of Black people and their alleged “monolithic” parenting issues, how the hayell do your own children build rockets, missiles and launch pads, grenades, an artillery of weapons, and all other manner of WMDs in your dammed family garage and go kill up a school; and you don’t have a clue what’s going on until it’s too late?

11 All criminals are “good guys with guns” – for today; only in the moments just BEFORE they become tomorrow’s headline news.

Can you say “Paranoid?” It’s usually the gun advocates (those who make, sell and profit from them) who are causing all of the problems for everyone else.


One of Many: Keith Ratliffe killed in the Midst of Artillery

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