by Reneegede | Jan 31, 2019 | Opinion
Since the early 1500s, more to the point, the mid-1500s (around 1564), Africans kidnapped and sold off to America have faced one never-ending trial and horrific tribulation after another. This is of no credit to the enemy(ies) of our souls, but to their shame; and to...
by Reneegede | Dec 30, 2018 | Opinion
Facebook Post of the Day: “THE GUN HAS REPLACED THE ROPE.” Yeah, I know, it’s all “negative,” to speak of such things. Negativity is often seen as self-effacing when sometimes what appears negative is just a FACT and the TRUTH. However,...
by Reneegede | Dec 29, 2018 | Opinion
How many hints and clues can “corporate” America, mostly run by (says LeBron James) “old white men with jewish money”, throw at us that they aren’t as smart as they pretend to be? Did you know that America would never have known what TRUE...