UIMD: If you are silent…

UIMD: If you are silent…

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series… If you say nothing… If you do nothing… If you let someone else do the talking… If you let others control the conversation… Vote for you… Legislate laws that cause harm and damage to your life when...
UIMD: Black People Need to Get Over It?

UIMD: Black People Need to Get Over It?

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series… One time too many,  Black people in America – over a 525+ year period of time – have been told to “get over” something. Be it racism, injustice, lynchings and murders, white privilege, white supremacy,...
Violence Against Women In The Black Community.

Violence Against Women In The Black Community.

(ThyBlackMan.com) The measure of a society – the measure of its cultural or mental health- can be gauged by its treatment of and attitudes towards women.   And by that measure, the Black community comes up woefully short.   As far back as a decade ago, thenumber one...