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Real Crises in America: How Racism Backfired in the Most Unthinkable Way Imaginable | Urban Intellectuals

Real Crises in America: How Racism Backfired in the Most Unthinkable Way Imaginable

by | Nov 13, 2017 | Opinion | 0 comments

William Arthur Ward: “The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”

Sail Adjustment

They, the powers that be that is, voted for Donald Trump and forced him into office against an OFFICIAL Hillary Clinton win because of nothing more or less than outright racism, and they ended up with the biggest and most vile and vicious Republican ‘donkey’ and jack-@$$ ever in the history of this nation.

BY trying to PROVE to the world that this is still a “whyat mane’s” country, they pulled it off to their own detriment and at their own expense.

Their whiteness or shall we say this egregious “anti-blackness” that is America has backfired on them with a vengeance in 2017, and we are watching them self-destruct because of their long-time internalized and self-engrained hatred of Black and colored people.

The Black man, Mr. Obama, was the better, smarter, more outstanding, more educated and sophisticated, hard-working tax-paying citizen, the more loving and caring and sharing good family man with the loving children and family and faithful one-term wife … NOTHING the stereotypes said about “all of us,” and …

the white man ended up being the massively uneducated idiot, the chief buffoon, the jiggaboo cooniest asshat, thug mob baby daddy and druggie/drunky with more than one wife and/or girlfriend, the real pedophile, the house thief and whoremonger, and the broke-@ clown court jester without a lick of sense in his “need to be rescued by a Hollywood magic Negro right now” head.

The only reason Trump is not in prison right now is because of his white skin. The same actions on the Black man would not only have kept him from being elected, but Obama would have been shot by his OWN race before a “ol’boy whyat mane” ever got his hands on him.

That is a proveable fact that we have always been aware of, but don’t often speak on — and every vile and wicked and disgusting thing that they have ever said about us, every racial innuendo, every godless whitepaper written, every socio-psychological experiment and study, every stereotype, every ‘Jim Crow and James Crowe III, Esq.’ platitude, every SINGLE bag of white racist garbage and trash that they have strewn and littered our families and communities and back yards with…and every single BIT of it backfired on them and ended up in their own front yards with ONE fell swoop. God is an awesome and just God.

Even worse, it took ALL of THAT and then some for Barack Obama to even realize the absolute truth about his OWN race of people in America.

Handle that shit and know this as well: Racism persists and prevails, but ALL of our corporate and complex enemies aren’t white either. Trump’s got Black “friends” who would lick the chocolate off his shit and ask for a cup of his yellowest piss to wash it down with.

It didn’t matter what Barack Obama did right, what kind of education or background, where he had come from, his life struggles, his upstanding and outstanding family nor his over-the-top Afrocentric extremely efficient and talented wife, his life’s work, not even the TAXES HE PAID on his income and PUT OUT THERE FOR THE WORLD TO SEE.

NOTHING. They wanted his head on a platter JUST because he’s Black.

The script got flipt: The Democrat is now the biggest ‘elephant’ in the room.

The End.

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