Re: The P&D Challenge

by | Sep 29, 2017 | Opinion | 0 comments

In a social media trend that died just as quickly as it surfaced, it’s time for some of us with some good sense to discuss how something like this could happen and write the score on every stereotype white people have ever made up about Black people.

Today, how much of it is true? Judging by this…AND A LOT OF IT.

I’d heard there were more than 750k views on one of these p&d challenge videos, but when I went to do the research (without viewing the video any longer than it took to find out what they were talking about and who started it), the one with the MOST views was around 266,000+. If there was one with nearly a million views I didn’t see it.

Every nigra stereotype in the book and THEN some -which explains fully why it is police don’t have much of an issue tossing bullets up our children’s and grandchildren’s butts and walking away with the crimes. Whoompt, there it is.

One dollar each from those 266,000 people PER DAY into a Black organization that is out here trying to save lives rather than steal, kill and destroy them — and the current climate of racism would change overnight. Right now, in THIS season … no wonder white people say and do what they do to Black people. After this, I no longer question their motives for doing so.

Yeah. yeah … right, Mr. Cuke and Miz Kitty …

Scream all you want, but you live for the stereotypes AND the ertswhile drama; so, again, NO WONDER white folks treat SOME Black people the way they do.

Yeah, yeah, but ‘they’ do it, too….
I gotcha. That damnable “they” that is always in charge of the way YOU choose to live your life.

Maybe ‘they’ like taking you for a “hunting trip” (two went out and only one came back-style) every now and again because they know you are better than they are, the only creature on the Planet created “in God’s image,” and ‘they’ know that YOU don’t have any business being that decrepit, even if ‘they’ challenge you to be MORE like them. Yes, Black people are a separate creation tryna BE and ACT white, and that’s the hard part about being told you ARE better — non-acceptance of that fact.

Yeah, yeah … Just ignore it and it will go away.
Today, it might go away if you just act like it isn’t happening. Maybe it did go away already; then again, maybe it’s being set for a follow-up challenge in the same vein, like the #RapeChallenge or the #AIDS/STDchallenge.

However, tomorrow someone will take this white folkses’ mess about Black men being all Plantation Big Dick and Black women being nothing more than a bunch of nasty despicable Jezebel easy-lay whores and run with it and try to make themselves “go viral.” Just for the attention. It’s fun right? Everybody wants that.

No matter what they have to do to get it.

No. I can’t.
HashtagSandraBland was raped and murdered by a white cop while some other cops, Black ones, at that, stuck to the ‘Blue Code’ and stuffed her body, piece by piece, with plastic garbage bags and confiscated Evidence Room weed in order to hide the evidence, then said she “committed suicide.” Right. If she committed suicide, I died in December of 1959.

All for someone’s “joke” that all Black women are are a bunch of ho’s who do all kinds of things with dick for money, and to get out of traffic court.

No. I can’t take a joke. At all. She wasn’t the first, and she won’t be the last. If you find that funny, keep huffing it up. Karma is a Bitch and she always shows up right on time.

Black folks, (The Racism of Sustaining White Supremacy) never ends because you really don’t want it to.

You’ve become comfortable with it, smug, self-satisfied, and you like it. O course, the protests about #BlackLivesMatter -ing doesn’t apply to YOU, it’s for white people ONLY to respect you when you don’t respect yourselves. I get it.

Now take your medicine. They already got it ready for you, even in the orange dinge still dripping out of your big #dickchallenge sink faucets in Flint, Michigan.
If you can’t take it seriously, why should they?

All they’re thinking is “Yeah, I got that Dick Challenge for ya, Ni&&er. A REALLY BIG one. Bend over, you’re going to like this one whether you like it or not.” Now, we got #hashtagenvironmentalracism and nothing to say about it until it’s too little, way too late.

You got 266,000k “LIKES” = $266,000k for me? I’m fighting to keep us healthy and alive, and all I hear from SOME Black folk when I speak is *crickets*.

White folks can poop in a platter, piss on it and call it marinade, and SOME Black folks will show up to the table with their own dishware and utensils, eat it with pickle relish, and DEMAND more, no matter what the ultimate price to us AND OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS and OUR POSTERITY here in the USA.

Let #divideandconquer have its perfect work. The ultimate message is “Stop calling us. We don’t give a damn if you all kill one another, just stop calling us.” If they have to come, they’s shooting, and they never shoot blanks. Ever.

Then again…

They also know that we are Liquid Money; that “we” are easily defeated, bought, and sold and that some (too many) of us love to use our Cukes, Kitties, and over-fertilized boombastic wombs just to get a free ride off them for life. Learned that one the hard way just this past August.

Truly, it explains a lot about white supremacist attitudes toward Black people.

My Black experience ain’t yours, though, I don’t have your issues … mainly because before I will let another Black man or woman take me for a bus ride I don’t want to go on, I will turn my back and walk away. It’s just as easy for me to mitigate drama by turning my back on a “ni&&a” as it is for me to turn my back on the American flag AND its salutory themes and anthems.

I have only one INDIVISIBLE God in my quest for justice and liberty and the pursuit of ‘happyness’, and it is not the US of A.

Do we live with white supremacy? Yes, we do.

SOME Black folks require it and inspire it.

Do you want a better and more extraordinary “BEST LIFE” EVER? Dammit, screw Joel Osteen. Stop making it worse than they already will. IF you care, then you REALLY, Black folks, don’t have time for indulging in other people’s mentally defunct dysfunctional sex fetishes. And if you’re going to worship white-skinned pimp-daddy Hugh Hefner, bow down to Black pimpup-hoedown R. Kelly, too. At least that takes the racism piece out of your insistence that Hef was some kind of pimp ass Playboy hustling hero who sold off teens for hornies like Trump and Cosby. He was a white whoremonger, period. Let the dead bury their own dead.

There is work to do, and plenty of it, win, lose, or draw. Choose your poison, don’t choose and let someone pick it for you.


Pray and act: PROCEED like you mean to stop this nonsense, and stop making yourselves the cray-cray-crayola “Ghetto Circus Clowns of the World” with dumb crap like #dickandpussychallenges.


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