The Last Cotton Field
Now one would think they’d (the racists that be in this day and age) would have had their fill of telling Black people to “go back to Africa” or “go to another country” by now.
It appears they haven’t figured out yet that most of us have never BEEN to Africa, thanks to their race-mongering lazy@ ancestors like Christopher Columbus and his breed; and that we don’t need their permission to protest racial injustice, judicial misconduct, or police brutality in America. We ALSO don’t need their advice on HOW to protest, when or where -or- HOW.
That said …
Now comes Mike Ditka on the scene (ONCE AGAIN) and says THIS old cliche … (and this is getting so gosh-awfully boring AND TIRING to hear): “Go to another country.”
Nigga, go to another PLANET.
The truth is God didn’t make ANY of these countries for you or your kind, not even EUROPE.
There are only two ways to destroy white supremacy in America and those are the same two ways it was built: Sports and Entertainment.
The PLANTATIONS were built on sports and entertainment, and the entertainment piece wasn’t just the music and clapping and jig-dancing, it was the entertainment of watching all of those Black people suffer and die at their hands after spending their entire existences slaving and dying to make ‘them’ rich. It just landed its fat lazy white ass in corporations, in the racist prison and jail systems, in the entertainment industry, and in the sports arena. The modern-day plantations and last bastions of its kind.
Exactly how many of those football, baseball, and basketball field and floor positions can they play themselves, and exactly how many “dumb fay ofay magic Negro” roles can they play in Blackface again?
They made their fortunes objectifying, oppressing, dejecting, horrifying, terrorizing, and demeaning Black people around the world; and the truth is, they may kill some of us, but they can’t kill us all before their own demise is absolutely at hand. That is a mathematical and scriptural (biblical) certainty, because more than 90-percent of this planet is still made up of the Black and their kinfolk, the Colored.
It is written therein.
Besides, these “umpitty ump one-skin-minded race-flingers” don’t hear JACK until you start messing with their money.
It’s like crapper “rapheads” who don’t hear anything unless you’re cussing at them because that’s all they’ve been tuned in and turned up to hear. If you are not screaming utter nonsense at them LOUDLY, they don’t hear a word you say.
That [money] is the only thing they exist on and it is the only thing they care about: Them and their white owners.
If you FEED THE MONSTER, then the Monster is yours to obey. What next Ditka? You and Goodell waiting for them to say “Yeahsa Massa”?
This might be about the time the NFL players need to follow Mike Pence’s lead and walk out on the National Anthem, or stand with their backs turned to that toilet paper white nationalist flag and tell them (in our Samuel L. Jackson voices) “Motherfucker, go to another country? This IS my country, ni&&a!”

The most ungodly thing you can do is salute a flag in the place of God.
Neely Fuller, paraphrased: “Everything is about race in America. If you do not understand that, everything else you seek to understand will only serve to confuse you.”

FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY: Let their racism become yours. Own it.