Julie “Cindy Lou Who” Delpy Says Hollywood is Easier on Black People than Women

by | Jan 27, 2018 | Opinion | 1 comment

In a statement that shows nothing other than how privileged she is to be white, actress Julie Delpy, star of “The Avengers: Age of Ultron”, revealed at the Sundance Film Festival that the toughest gig in Hollywood is being female.

To be exact, she said “Two years ago, I said something about the Academy being very white male, which is the reality, and I was slashed to pieces by the media. It’s funny — women can’t talk. I sometimes wish I were African American because people don’t bash them afterward.”

Yeah, Julie ‘Becky Bingbing’ Delpy, African Americans get PRE-bashed, so being bashed afterward isn’t even a “thing.”

For example, Miss BeckBeck, a BLACK WOMAN would never have gotten your role in the Avengers due to her skin color alone. You not only tried out for the role, but got it. Would they have taken Jada Pinkett Smith, a better and SUPERIOR actress who is a veteran in Hollyweird and considered an “A-Lister” for that small minority called “Black Hollywood”? NO. She wouldn’t have even been put up for it, and that’s based on her RACE ALONE. For the roles YOU will get, she won’t even be up at-bat.

And as a connoisseur of television and movies since the 1960s, I can say without shame or embarrassment that your role in that movie was as white as Hollywood gets. Hollywood can even “blonde-bimbo” you for a role, and the VAST MAJORITY of the female roles we see on television, theater, AND even on Netflix and all of the other online media, are visions of YOU, ‘Missy Ann’ Delpy.

White women all over the place, in every role imaginable, playing all kinds of characters -loved, wanted, desired, empathized, sympathized, demystified, even degraded and dejected (the ‘baaaaddd’ stuff WE almost ALWAYS are) — and she has the audacity to say that African Americans are treated better in Hollywood, less ‘bashed’? #NOTHARDLY , hon.

Even behind the scenes, there has to be 20+ white female producers and directors for every one Black male OR female who gets to produce or direct, and you’re talking because what? You’re NOT Black and wish you were?

…rrriiighhhhtttt… LOL!!!

Julie’s words come on the heels of certain actresses calling for a boycott of Netflix, such as A-listers Mo’Nique and Jada Pinkett Smith and others, who said -in a nutshell- that Netflix is just as whitewashed as Hollywood itself. AND IT IS. Plus, to top it all off, even A-list blacktresses do not command the same salaries as white female A-listers, so Julie Delpy obviously does not have a clue what she is saying.

It is no wonder she got booed at that Academy meeting, because what she said is a bunch of horse-shit.

You can look around you, in all directions, and know it’s bullshit. Don’t even have to be on the INSIDE to know it’s bullshit.

I’m a CUSTOMER…the person you want to BUY A TICKET or a subscription, because I, above all, love a GOOD STORY and a good storyteller. I am a hard-ass when it comes to what is good or funny or worth watching, and I got spoiled as a child by some of the best story-tellers in the business … Alan Alda, Kelsey Grammer, Elizabeth Montgomery, Andy Griffith, Bill Shatner, ROD SERLING, for heaven’s sake, from as far back as the 1960s when TV and movies was still a technological baby, et al … so, if you can make me laugh, cry, or sit there in shock and awe, you’ve done a helluva BRILLIANT job telling that story. I got used to the best in the business, so ANYTHING doesn’t make me react. It’s GOT to be good.

***But back to the business at hand…

Netflix is straight as an arrow white and overwhelmingly white female, at that … mixed in with a lot of GAY and Euro-Jewish. I can scan through 1,000+ Netflix shows and movies and see nothing BUT white women in all kinds of roles, in every story-telling mode available to them; and when I finally do get to or FIND a Black female in a Netflix model role, it’s a typical EXPECTED stereotype.


Jules, you got bashed and booed because it’s bullshit. Period.

Julie Delpy needs to try being a BLACK woman, who doesn’t get “bashed afterward”. Clue: #aintgonnahappen . She’ll get bashed before AND after.

Not only will she be the invisible chick in the room based on her gender, but they will kick that game up a notch or two and tell her she will get a call from them when they need a hooker, a drug addict, a drunk, a singular court jester, a “singing basketball wife wannabe,” a “Mama” going around screaming about white Jesus and throwing Bibles and misquoted misinterpreted scriptures all over the place, or a loud-mouthed brazen bushy sapphire who lusts after white men and knocks people over every time she walks into a room.

Without that, as a Black woman, she’s got LESS than a two-percent chance of getting a FEMALE role in Hollywood, let alone a role that is open to a Black female at all – including a non-stereotyped role on THE AVENGERS. HOLLYWOOD might “bimbo” little Jules into a role, but she’ll still get a role as a real woman with feelings and history and family and a story and a sympathetic or empathetic HUMANE “Everywoman”.

As a Black woman, she will only get a call when they need some color in the room to prove they’re NOT RACIST, or whenever they have a stereotypical role with a sidekick pimp or hustler named Jerome, Tyrone, or DARNELL, or maybe a “Marcus” or Marquise-type, no disrespect on the names, but Hollywood seems to think all Black people live in the ghetto ‘hood and can identify with street hustlers. #MyBlackExperienceAintYourBlackExperience

And even when ‘CindyLouWho’ gets the “Bimbo” role, she will still make two to three times more money than a “Mama I Wanna Sing”-Black female will get, even if “Mama I wanna sing” is an A-List Black box-office draw, with a role as “Shaquishqusha” or “Shanaybaybay” or “Nauquayanna Shakishitta,” or some other typical stereotype bullshit name like that.

Hollywood gets nearly ALL of its Black characters from the ‘hood and/or with their high-falutin’ noses stuck so far in the air that they can’t even be identified as human, let alone a person with a real-life story — and there is nearly NOTHING between those two extremes. Last time we had one -a Black female role model, that is- they called them either “Julia” or “Lt. Uhura.” Oh, and “Rene Jackson, Esq.” from Any Day Now, that’s about it. #KidDyNoMiteSyndrome

You right, we DO need to write our own stories; and we need to have our own BLACK SEPARATIST Hollywood — and it is more than possible nowadays, but most Black folks would also have to upgrade their mentality and get a sense of savoire faire and style in order to wash and drown out that “Team Hollywood Black-erish” drivel and nonsense out of their minds. It’s been too long and far too many of us have become accustomed to the Stick-on Stupid that is a Black person on the silver screen.


And speaking of Rene Jackson from [ANY DAY NOW] (played by actress Lorraine Touissant), why is it, Jules, that with African Americans so circumstantially “unbashed” that Annie Potts shows up on TV and in movies to this day and is still being offered roles, but her former co-star, Ms. Toussaint, just recently resurfaced AFTER YEARS OF NO ONE KNOWING WHAT THE HEY HAPPENED TO HER, as a Psychologist on Netflix’s Frankie & Grace … counseling two white married gay dudes (played by actors Sam Waterston and Michael Douglas) AND THEY STILL CALLED HER CRAZY?, even after discovering that her analysis of their relationship is probably right. Frankie & Grace ran up on only two Black actors, and one falls in love with a white woman and the other is “crazy.”

Watch “ONCE UPON A TIME” on Netflix and tell me what you notice about the few Black people in THAT series? AND IT WAS PRODUCED BY A BLACK DIRECTOR, Mario van Peebles. ‘Lawdy Missy Ann’, the rest of them are exactly like that, IF they have any Black people in them at all.

Nah, Jules, you are apparently very very jaded and out of touch with reality … YOU DON’T WANT TO BE US, trust that.



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1 Comment

  1. Ron Mosely

    2018 this is true ! Because in the past 25 years Black people have become easy! the Double meanings in todays Black movies and “Easter Eggs” of double meanings and propaganda of someone elses cause and someone elses BS,…. thrust on a community with little knowledge of self, would not be tolerated 30 years ago! All sorts of buck dancing and derogatory movies , that Black folks would have shut down, like “Tarzan” “Get Hard” “Meet the Blacks” “Jumanji 2 ” , “Superfly” and the latest “Gringo”, are thrown at us and we are as quiet , as mice, because we are happy with movies like Black Panther and the Black Klansman! But as stated, these Hollywood fliks are full of subliminal propaganda that the community overlooks! Black Panther was a propaganda piece for the CIA, just at a time when 1 /4 of the Black community has been brainwashed into denying its African Ancestry , due to cults , the CIA created and just at a time when the CIA’s activities in the Motherland have increased in the past 12 years, with a focus on recolonization of the continent, starting with Libya~! The Black Klansman , with Alec Baldwin’s , cameo diatribe; in the intro, tries too hard to link ” the Jewish struggle” with the Black Struggle, as if Jews had helped to create or were responsible for the Civil Rights Movement! And note this is done right after Minister Farrakhan’s expose , of Jewush control of various economic and financial edifices in the Black community! Yeah its easier for Hollywood to dawg, us , but not White women, right after the Wienstien scandal! So they bend over backwards to make sure that women have prominent roles, in Star Wars, DC comic book and Marvel Comic book movies, and zero stereotypical images what soever!



  1. Movie roles for black women | Aisle C - […] https://urbanintellectuals.com/2018/01/27/cindy-lou-who-delpy/ […]
  2. Julie “Cindy Lou Who” Delpy Says Hollywood is Easier on Black People than Women – BlackShare - […] post Julie “Cindy Lou Who” Delpy Says Hollywood is Easier on Black People than Women appeared first on Urban…
  3. Julie “Cindy Lou Who” Delpy Says Hollywood is Easier on Black People than Women – Black Independence Day - […] Source link […]

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