by Koba | Aug 15, 2016 | Blog
Many people in the United States believe that President Obama is a prophet of Islam looking to force Islam on the world. I’m 99.9% sure that President Obama isn’t a Muslim and I highly doubt that Islam is his agenda. But others in the...
by James Washington | Aug 15, 2016 | Blog
A big butt not only looks good to the eye but it also turns out to be a golem of good health. Based on a recent study by Oxford University, women with larger behinds have lower chances of developing chronic diseases and are found to be smarter and healthier than women...
by James Washington | Aug 15, 2016 | Blog
New England Patriots Martellus Bennett stunned Americans when he redefined the initials NFL to stand for “N****** For Lease. buy premarin online no prescription pharmacy ” He articulated his...
by James Washington | Aug 13, 2016 | Blog
Many people wonder whether there are any “good cops” in the law enforcement. A police officer is termed as a “good cop” if he or she cannot stand the officers who do bad things and makes efforts to report and hold such a police officer accountable. These...
by Candace | Aug 11, 2016 | Blog
Sometimes I really can’t stand humans! A lot of people were upset with Gabby Douglas because she didn’t put her hand over her heart during the National Anthem, after the U.S. gymnastics team won the gold at the Olympics. Really? With everything that has been going on...
by Chum Sejimon | Aug 9, 2016 | Blog, Info, News
A North Carolina murder-eerily reminiscent of the 2012 murder of Trayvon Martin-reportedly occurred in the early morning of August 7, 2016. Chad Copley, a 39-year-old neighborhood watch vigilante, called 911 claiming there was “a bunch of hoodlums racing” outside of...
by Forest Parks | Aug 9, 2016 | Blog
It’s not easy being a good parent, it takes a lot of work, a lot of fighting, time, determination. However it’s also one of the dreams in life that really can come true! To have a little one that came from you, to give you pride, to support you and help...
by Forest Parks | Aug 9, 2016 | Blog
You gotta laugh at times, we’ve all seen the pink sludge that becomes one of America’s proud dishes, the humble hot dog. And we’ve all had thoughts about this process… Namely that we wish we’d never seen it! Well, when Snoop Dogg narrates...
by Forest Parks | Aug 5, 2016 | Blog
So, Will Smith say’s he has talked with the POTUS and has been given thumbs up to portray him in a future bioptic! Will Smith, on screen, as President Obama! Not totally sure that’ll work but then again I had reservations about Ali! And from the...
by Chum Sejimon | Aug 4, 2016 | Blog, News
Among the latest cases involving alleged police brutality is a 23-year-old mother of 2 from Baltimore, Maryland killed by police on August 1, 2016. Korryn Gaines’ pictures adjoined with her very own hashtag, excerpts of her story, and familiar headlines...