Outrage After Gabby Douglas Does Not Put Hand Over Heart During National Anthem

by | Aug 11, 2016 | Blog | 0 comments

Sometimes I really can’t stand humans! A lot of people were upset with Gabby Douglas because she didn’t put her hand over her heart during the National Anthem, after the U.S. gymnastics team won the gold at the Olympics. Really? With everything that has been going on in the U.S. they are lucky she took her amazing talents to the Olympics and represented a country that has shown us, for at least the last 400 years, that they really don’t care about black people.

I was hoping Gabby was making a statement similar to Tommie Smith and John Carlos in the 1968 summer Olympics. But from looking at the huge grin on her face as the National Anthem played, she was clearly in awe, although I wish she was making statement.

Gabrielle Douglas did make a statement on Tweeter about her actions:

“In response to a few tweets I saw tonight, I always stand at attention out of respect for our country whenever the national anthem is played. I never meant any disrespect and apologize if I offended anyone. I’m so overwhelmed at what our team accomplished today and overjoyed that we were able to bring home another gold for our country!”

This world loves your black face when you’re shuckin’ and jivin’ for them but don’t you dare have an opinion about anything, don’t you dare feel that this country shouldn’t just say everyone is treated equally but actually treat everyone equally. Although that was not her intent, I still feel the need to express it since most of the tweets referred to her as disrespectful. Because she should have the upmost respect for a country that treats dogs and lions with more humanity than people of color.

Gabby was basking in the moment, she just achieved something most of us could only dream of accomplishing, so leave the woman alone and let her continue to be great! Go Gabby!

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