Setting Relationship Standards

Setting Relationship Standards

Setting Relationship Standards “Nowadays, I like to keep it classy.  But, even if I was like I was back a couple of years ago, I definitely wouldn’t fight over an ugly, brain-dead, high school dropout. You wouldn’t even catch me with a guy like that. I have places to...
This kid will make you believe in angels…

This kid will make you believe in angels…

Tobias Bass, 10, wants to be a pastor, brings home good grades and sports trophies but that alone is not why he was featured on Oklahoma’s News 9. This young man wrote into the news station requesting help NOT in the form of money but a loan, a loan for a...

What is Africana Womanism???

“Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems:  “Africana Womanism is a term I coined and defined in 1987 after nearly two years of publicly debating the importance of self-naming for Africana women. Why the term ‘Africana Womanism’?…. The first part of the coinage,...