This kid will make you believe in angels…

by | Sep 27, 2013 | News, Positivity | 0 comments

Tobias Bass, 10, wants to be a pastor, brings home good grades and sports trophies but that alone is not why he was featured on Oklahoma’s News 9. This young man wrote into the news station requesting help NOT in the form of money but a loan, a loan for a  jogging stroller.

Why a  jogging stroller you made ask, well to push his little brother of course! Tobias’s brother suffers from cerapalsy leaving him incapable of walking and playing as other children do. Concerned that this makes his brother sad, Tobias decided that what his brother needed was a 5k race!

“I can be legs for more than one kid”

He explains in his letter (below) to News 9 that he has been in Jiu Jitsu since age 5 and  is physically capable of pushing his brother in the race and one day hopes to do and Iron man with him. He also made it very clear that he will work for this loaner stroller and would even push other disabled children in races if only someone would loan him the stroller needed. Well News 9 came through and delivered not a loaner stroller but a keeper. Read this young mans impassioned letter (warning it may bring tears)

Tobias’ letter to News 9.  Also in pictures below.

Source: News 9

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Lets celebrate more of our wonderful children like Tobias Bass!

Pret-a-Porte Graphic Designer & Entrepreneur (

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