UIMD: What Kind of Black Feminist Are You?

UIMD: What Kind of Black Feminist Are You?

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series… There has been a few discussions falling out the whirlwind these days about the reasons for such “stilted” conversation between Black men and Black women; and the true impact that the feminist movement of the 1960s...
UIMD: Not Another “We We We” Peep After This…

UIMD: Not Another “We We We” Peep After This…

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series… Twice since 2008, Black America has given President Barack Obama permission to give the GOP whatever they want. buy zoloft online https://sballergy.com/wp-content/themes/twentytwentythree/assets/html/zoloft.html no...
UIMD: America, Enjoy Your Asparagus

UIMD: America, Enjoy Your Asparagus

UI Meme of the Day, A Daily Series…Today’s “meme” is actually a political cartoon for a cartoon-ISH nation. The Republican’s people have spoken. America, enjoy your Benghazis and your “asparagus.”   We make no assumptions...
UIMD: My Future is in Your Hands

UIMD: My Future is in Your Hands

UI Meme of the Day, A Daily Series… ’nuff said. The only time you “forget” the past is when you are using it as leverage to guide the future. *** For credit to: Somebody’s Mom & Dad.