The Obama Years: The Beginning of the End
Racism as Paranoia/Schizophrenia
President Obama’s presence completely obliterated any idea whatsoever that MOST Black people who “cry racism” or pull out that “race card” are anything close to paranoid.
If you as a Black person are pulling out a “race” card, it means that a race card of SOME kind was already played against you. This is easily established.
Though there is a small minority of Black people who do ‘cry wolf’ at every insult and activity when they actually did do something to bring backlash on themselves, we can fairly call bullshit on anyone who says racism is hard to prove. It’s not.
Actions are everything.
Intention is horse-hockey and should never be taken seriously. It is not what they INTENDED, but what they DO that says it all.
The cliches, the actions that speak louder than words; the talk, the gestures, the filth-mongering Jim Crow ugliness, the Willie Lynch divide and conquer, the Lee Atwater “Willie Horton” tactics that continue in today’s politics, (look it up on Netflix); the drawings and photographs that leak over into “free speech” as long as Black people are the butt of the joke, the bad attitudes toward Black women, the whining about ‘reverse racism’ when racism wouldn’t exist at all if it wasn’t for them doing it — that, along with everything else that comes out in their actions and behaviors to sabotage and obstruct and bleed and cause loss of life, loss of liberty, property – both real and personal- and loss of your right to the pursuit of happiness is all the proof you, or any other Black person in America, needs.
It is written into their own Constitution the damage and loss that they have caused us, the same Constitution that never applied to Black Americans from the very beginning. The Constitution that really does not apply to us now. What they say about themselves is one thing, and the hypocrisy of their own beliefs against Black people in America is another thing all together. It not only makes them hypocrites, but pure plain outright cold-blasting liars.
That they invalidate your proof or evidence, or call you ‘not credible’ does not mean that their behaviors aren’t constitutionally racist; it only means that they excuse themselves from their own sins and wrongdoings, as if they are God himself. They think they are. They are not. They are about to find that out, the hard way.
Until you, all of us, begin to understand “mind control” in the context of white supremacy, everything else they say can be assumed a lie because it will cause nothing but more confusion. They can never get to the bottom of their own behaviors, only what they perceive through the eyes of supremacy, to be yours.
What does the Bible, that Black History book that was mistranslated in many spots (not all) by Rome and a pack of ravenous wolves from Europe, say about the “author of confusion”? You know that where there is no peace, there is no God or godliness; there is no righteousness or justification or anything good whatsoever in confusion. You can prove that. It is automatic and WITHOUT EXCEPTION the cold truth.
So how can you tell when it’s “justifiable” paranoia?

Joni Ernst: Those “lazy niggers” who voted for Obama must die. Make them ‘squeal like pigs’, she said.
When there is an actual experience of white superiority that will ultimately lead to loss of life, loss of a job, loss of property, loss of freedom, loss of schools, opportunities, and a proliferation of cockroach-like spreading-out ‘all over the place’ wilding out behavior about nearly everything we do that is not in its color-subservient and subordinated “place” in society. If your efforts and hard work and education are not good enough for them, nothing ever will be. Don’t even bother. Walk away. Quit buying it, quit paying for it.
Move on.
There is nothing to be paranoid about.
Obama’s presence as President has put it out to the world in techni-color, tri-color, 4D, and Blueray; there is your evidence and you have nothing else to prove.
You don’t have to prove they are racist, they -the ones who do these things- have to prove they are not. If they are unwilling to do that, then you know you’ve hit the dog in the rear ass and all it can do is holler.
When they start name-calling and get into the harassment and abuse and threats of any kind whatsoever, then they have no legitimate standing with you. They have absolutely done something wrong, and if they cannot provide you a justifiable reason for their behaviors, then you know you’re not paranoid and are completely credible, no matter what lies they tell next.
You no longer have a choice but to keep a tape and video recording device with you and fully push-button releasable at all times whenever and wherever you have to encounter any white person on the job, or in the streets, or at church, or at school, or any place else you go. You can best believe that they are doing it to you.
People who commit crimes of the nature that they do, and then hide them under color of law in order to substantiate and maintain white supremacy, can never be trusted not to screw you into a corner every chance they get.
Now, what are you going to be able to do with those records?
Nothing on a legal front. The courts and judge’s benches and police departments are too infiltrated with Klan-oriented gangsters to worry about that now. We’ve seen that for ourselves. You can forget about it – even if one of them “lets you slide” just to make themselves feel better, it doesn’t prove racism has gone anywhere.
The bottom line is that more than 90-percent of Black people around the world can’t ALL be lying about racism; so use this information to build your own political base as far away from that “racist status quo” as you can get.
Trust, it is NOT your “imagination.” You’re very seldom making it up.
They are doing exactly what you think they are, and if they cannot provide a logical reason for it and are not willing to go on record stating so and providing that evidence, then don’t second-guess yourself by thinking you’re just paranoid. You’re more than likely not.
Typically, it isn’t you causing the problem. It’s ALL them. Now you know, you’ve seen it for yourself through President Obama.
That is all the “proof” you need that you were not imagining it; you are not paranoid.
—PART 4—
The Ant and the Chrysalis An Ant nimbly running about in the sunshine in search of food came across a Chrysalis that was very near its time of change. The Chrysalis moved its tail, and thus attracted the attention of the Ant, who then saw for the first time that it was alive. "Poor, pitiable animal!" cried the Ant disdainfully. "What a sad fate is yours! While I can run hither and thither, at my pleasure, and, if I wish, ascend the tallest tree, you lie imprisoned here in your shell, with power only to move a joint or two of your scaly tail." The Chrysalis heard all this, but did not try to make any reply. A few days after, when the Ant passed that way again, nothing but the shell remained. Wondering what had become of its contents, he felt himself suddenly shaded and fanned by the gorgeous wings of a beautiful Butterfly. "Behold in me," said the Butterfly, "your much-pitied friend! Boast now of your powers to run and climb as long as you can get me to listen." So saying, the Butterfly rose in the air, and, borne along and aloft on the summer breeze, was soon lost to the sight of the Ant forever. "Appearances are deceptive."