by Candace | May 4, 2016 | Politics News
If you didn’t know, former Republican House Speaker, Dennis Hastert, was sentenced to fifteen months in imprisonment by Judge Durkin who referred to him as a child molester in court. The judge ordered him to enroll in a sex offenders program. Dennis was ostensibly...
by Candace | May 3, 2016 | Blog
Beyoncé and Jay-Z are brilliant when it comes to business. They started TIDAL streaming, Beyoncé is dropping albums out of the clear blue sky, and this visual album was incredible. The crazy thing is that people are more concerned with the cheating rumors than this...
by Candace | May 2, 2016 | Opinion
The program My Brother’s Keeper, created by President Barack Obama, with a mission to help at risk boys of color achieve greatness, is making strides to change lives. April 14th there was a National Action Network convention where Broderick Johnson talked about My...
by Candace | Apr 27, 2016 | Blog
If you go to jail for a committing a crime that is then legalized, I think you deserve some kind of reparations. This country has a habit of making the black man’s hustle illegal then turning around and legalizing it so that the government can then make money from it....
by Candace | Apr 26, 2016 | Blog
A fine of $5,000 was paid by a former Maryland judge after he ordered a defendant to be shocked with a stun gun in his courtroom. Robert C. Nalley, the former judge, had pleaded guilty to civil rights violation. Besides paying the fine, the former judge also have a...
by Candace | Apr 21, 2016 | Blog
It is estimated that $11.5 billion is collected by black churches from the black community annually. Making the black church the biggest business within the black community. But there is seldom any job creation from the biggest business in the community. Could this be...
by Candace | Apr 20, 2016 | Blog
For quite some time it has been rumored that Alexander Hamilton and Andrew Jackson would be taken off of the $10 and $20 bill. Well we know now that Andrew Jackson will be booted off the front of $20 bill and replaced with Harriet Tubman. If this isn’t dope, I don’t...
by Candace | Apr 20, 2016 | Positivity
The idea for this healthy alternative to greasy fast food came out of frustration in the Allen household. Shannon Allen, wife of former Miami Heat superstar Ray Allen, began to get frustrated with her busy lifestyle and lack of healthy fast food options especially...
by Candace | Apr 19, 2016 | Positivity
The Chicago Urban League launched its travel program in 2013 entitled Project Ready. It is an altruistic grant funded program giving low-income students the ability to achieve their most elevated yearnings through instructive travel encounters. They have been making...
by Candace | Apr 19, 2016 | Africa
On the day before the second commemoration denoting the mass abduction of Nigerian schoolgirls by terrorist aggressors, high school Pakistani lobbyist, Malala Yousafzai gave a public statement reminding the families of the girls, we have not forgotten and are waiting...