For quite some time it has been rumored that Alexander Hamilton and Andrew Jackson would be taken off of the $10 and $20 bill. Well we know now that Andrew Jackson will be booted off the front of $20 bill and replaced with Harriet Tubman. If this isn’t dope, I don’t know what is.
Tubman is one the most hardcore historians in black history. She knew what her mission and goal was and stuck to it, by any means necessary. I won’t go into detail about how gangster she was but she was the real deal.
Jackson won’t be completely removed from the twenty, simple moved to the back but I’m still excited. According to, Politico, “Critics immediately suggested taking Jackson off the $20 bill given the former president’s role in moving Native Americans off their land.”
With Jackson’s replacement being a woman and civil war abolitionist people are truly excited about the change. According to Politico, National Review writer Charles C.W. Cooke tweeted, “Given the sheer number of blows that Tubman struck for liberty, she belongs on the currency more than most. Good choice.”
Many believe Jackson should be completely removed given his history of being a slave owner, removing Native Americans, poor treatment of women and the fact that he was completely opposed to paper money but let’s be honest, if that’s the case all of the white historians should be removed, they all had slaves. But we know that’ll never happen.