It’s an election year (Mid-terms 2014) and all of the snakes and serpents of olden times and ancient Eden raise their heads out of their dens and nests every election year, sniffing the air looking for trouble like old Beelzebul himself. They often come with apples or some other piece of fruit that looks to be fresh on the outside, but is really rotten to the core on the inside.
It proves one thing if nothing else, the Black vote DOES count – for something.
If it didn’t, they wouldn’t be investing that much money (millions of their own dollars) and time (‘tea party race-baiting initiatives’) to make sure Black people stay as far away from the polls as they can keep us, or demand that we vote THEIR way {in their best interests} if we show up at all.
Two things for Black people become quite obvious in these election years, as they always were from before we even had the right to vote: Either vote like we tell you to, or don’t vote at all. Or else.
Or else what? I guess that’s supposed to scare us into submission.
To make this perfectly clear, a Pope was once heard to say “If the people no longer have respect or care for the church, what makes you think your weapons will stop them?” For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds. – 2 Corinthians 10:4
It is mostly jaded and very sheltered African Americans who tend to think that “anything white people say” is right, but when you go the other direction “anything they say is a lie,” the truth starts to unfurl.
Too many of us still nod and shake our heads in agreement with the things that look good on the outside, like that apple or fruit of Eden, but are really poison to us if bitten, death-inducing if chewed and swallowed.
The hidden message of the American Tea Party is “We actually hate you ni&&ers, but we’ll say anything we have to -even when our words don’t match our actions- just to prove how really dumb you people are…and when we’re done with you, you’re all a bunch of dumb Negroes anyway, and we have what we want out of you again.”
What do they want exactly? Under-taxation and over-representation, as they’ve always had historically.
Every election year – ‘Black women on welfare’ is a big hot-button issue with the same folks who wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for Black people subsidizing THEM on welfare, and for the Black women’s breasts on which they suckled at the knee.
Let’s take a look at the REAL reality of Black people on welfare and food stamps, and any other government assistance and entitlements that they can get. The Addicting Info blog makes the report that an NAACP member confronted Black Tea Party members (LOLOLOL!) at, of all things, an NAACP Convention.
Now, sans the reader comments on this AI article that the GOP’s “Tea Party” faction would NEVER allow those “NAACP Negroes and Negresses” at THEIR conventions (Clue Number One – which is more than likely true) … the idea that gets past them is that most Black people, most Black voters for that matter, are NOT members of the NAACP for some pretty obvious reasons:
(a) the membership fees are too expensive; and
(b) even if most of us could afford it, we apparently aren’t going to get much value in exchange for that money.
As a matter of note, the NAACP was founded by a Black man named W.E.B. DuBois, of the “Talented Tenth DuBois,” who didn’t much care for poor Blacks on welfare himself. That’s the real story. Look it up for yourself. He thought his uppity Negro kind were simply a better breed of Black folks who might be the “saving grace” for the rest of the ‘savage Negroes’ who wanted to become more like him and his kind.
As a matter of fact, several of DuBois’ ‘poor-black-folk-hating’ comments were misconstrued as having come from Margaret Sanger (yes, that Margaret Sanger of the Planned Parenthood organization) about the practice of eugenics.
Maybe the Black Tea Partiers are well aware that they are a perfectly congruent match for DuBois’ Black Snoot Society–the NAACP; so the fact that they would actually join the White Privilege faction of Black eugenics (the Tea Party) instead of the Black one says all it needs to about their level of historical education, and about the real confusion in the Black communities across America that has been caused by white privilege assimilation in America.
Scratch the *itch. Go ahead.
1) The NAACP does not represent Black people in their entirety, only their own personal interests. They are mostly highly-moneyed celebrity shoulder-rubbing types who like to “shine” at fundraising dinners and ‘gloss’ on any photo opps that they can get to in order to make themselves look like anything and everything other than what they really are. Black people who are easily blinged-out by celeb status fall over for it. It’s that simple.
2) The GOP’s “Tea Party” faction is made up of typical white-privileged racists and their Black*Ish friends (we often refer to them as “Blue Dog Democrats”) who, theoretically and in truth, should be associate members of the NAACP.
In other words, the NAACP and the Tea Party are really on the same page, so it makes perfect sense that they would allow the Black Tea to have a liquid booth at their conventions.
They are of the same mind as their racist constituents: “Tell those poor Blacks we said to bootstrap it whether they can afford the boots or not.”
You get the idea … ‘we’re taking away your mortar and clay-you have to go get it for yourself; but you still gotta make twice as many bricks as you were making before‘, that kind of thing. (Exodus 5) In other words, the work doubled and the expected output demand quadrupled, and the Hebrews were the ones being beaten and called “lazy.”
Wait for it … it gets even more interesting for folks who think that either the Tea Party or the NAACP is concerned about them or their best interests.
The NAACP turned, tucked tail and ran for the hills on the Trayvon Martin case just because the mother of a bona fide racist hate-mongering murderer threatened to sue them for something that was totally her own son’s fault.
The NAACP didn’t ‘eem show up when Obama was elected President except to represent themselves as “the” standard on Blackness in America when they are anything but. Too many NAACP members (‘those’ mulattos) are in staunch denial about their own slave roots and the “Aunt Jemima’s” and “Uncle Rastuses” who raised their OWN grandparents and great-grandparents. [Born a Slave, Died A Businessman]
Let’s deconstruct these lies:
The NAACP begs seed at the tables and gates of foreigners and strangers in the land, and die to be recognized by them as “not like the OTHER Black people,” the rest of us, and that with very few exceptions. One exception might be the lady in the aforementioned AI video who argues, rightfully enough, with the Black Tea Partiers about what the NAACP stands for. [Uhm, Not; but that’s another story for another day.]
This NAACP Tea Party is comparable to the Hebrews of old who left Pharaoh’s command and cried out for the ‘leeks and watermelons’ of the old slavemasters of Egyptian society, even as the Lord God Himself was trying to remove them to real freedom in Canaan, with manna (the food of angels and gods) and all. And He did, in fact, give them everything they needed without charge. He had bigger plans than what this world is capable of offering.
After all, what would a “god” of any sort (even a Roman figurehead one) need with human money? It is too limited in scope. But, back to the story here...
3) “Welfare” in America was actually slaves working 380+ years to feed white people. If it wasn’t for Black people in Africa brought to the Americas and the Weird Weird West, Europe wouldn’t have had jack boot nothing; still wouldn’t to this day. Europe owes its lives and livelihoods to every Black person who has ever lived on this planet.
4) Black people came out slavery in 1865 but are still really there in a manner of speaking. The pictures on the money is of a bunch of Black-hating slaveholders who believed that Black people should work for free, so it’s pretty apparent on America’s printed money what the European banksters, the Koch Bros, Rupert Murdoch, et al, still think of Black people to this very day.
5) When our Black ancestors came out of slavery and the law required that they actually be paid some kind of money in exchange for working, not only was it for pennies on the dollar compared to what white people were getting for the same and similar work, but they were ALSO being taxed by a nation that still owed THEM (and still owes us now) reparations — to the tune of $77 trillion and growing, last count.
6) For the whites who could not find work after the slaves were freed, the overseers on those plantations who were not bondsmen, Black people were required to pay taxes on their teeny tiny newly-mandated income in order to subsidize them. Talk about welfare, whew. That was America’s “best kept secret” from Black people … that our Black ancestors who had worked for nearly 400 years for free now had to pay taxes on their meager income in order to help subsidize whites -and their children and their children’s children- who were circumstantially out of work on the plantations.
7) Welfare was not made for poor Blacks, and that is where everybody gets it wrong. It was developed and started for poor whites who were living off labor and then our taxes, post-slavery, until somebody raised holy hayell and said “Wait a minute, what the hayell is wrong with this picture?” Yes, Black people only got welfare because somebody smelled a big rat in the wash house.
The Gist: As soon as the law declared and mandated that poor Blacks had the right to be treated the same as or ‘equal to’ poor whites, suddenly “welfare” became a dirty word. It was okay as long as poor whites were still living on our dimes and nickels, but the water was muddied as soon as we touched it.
8) Parts of the welfare system remained a “secret” even after that. Whites were removed to better neighborhoods, and better schools, and got better jobs, once again, with the assistance of working Black people who were not privy to the fruit of their own newly-taxed labor at the time. As a matter of fact, we often grouse about integration, but it was necessary. Without it, we still would not have a clue what they were taking from us. They intended to keep it all a secret of the white universe, but just because we had to integrate doesn’t mean we were required to assimilate, not DuBois’s way anyway. We would still be subsidizing them and not benefiting from our own tax money had we not known all of this. No. Welfare doesn’t make anyone lazy, welfare is just a fact of life. – Psalm 9:18
9) The projects and ghettos of America were built for white people (in New York for white Italians) not for us.
Black people were living in the backwoods of America on lakes, rivers, the Atlantic Ocean, and in ditches surrounded by cockroaches and rats and all other types of vermin that was left behind; so once we “discovered” that they were using our labor and money to get for themselves what WE could not have, they took “white flight” out of the projects and ghettos and again were tax-subsidized into better neighborhoods and homes as we gave up our “riverfront shotgun homes” and moved into the PROJECTS. The inner-city projects were not built for Black people, either; it just became a dirty word when we moved in.
10) Somebody got this story backward: Black people had to SUE in an actual court, back in the day, for the right to benefit from their OWN TAX MONEY and LABOR, so to tell the honest to God truth… Black Americans are the rightful “Boston Tea Party” people who can make that Patriotic claim and be historically, and not histrionically, correct.
We, our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, et al, got taxed on their income for decades with NO REPRESENTATION in the state or on the federal level. Except for a few “”coat hanger” constitutional amendments that are still revocable to this day, we still live under the reality of the Dred Scott decision: “A black man has no rights a white man is bound to respect.”
[NOTE: The REAL Boston Tea Party did not stand for “Taxed Enough Already,” its motto was “No taxation WITHOUT representation.” Look it up. I’d hate to find out that the saying “If you want to hide something from Black people, put it in a book” is true.]
Therefore, not only is the race-mongering “Taxed Enough Already” TEA representatives who seem to not have a problem with much of anything except Black people benefiting from their own input in America, but the “Taxed Enough Already” people are historically wrong about what the true Boston Tea Party stood for.
It means that they skipped their own American history classes and don’t read themselves. If they did, they would know that they are hardly the VICTIMS of ‘over-taxation without proper government representation’.
Black people are–always have been. We mostly never got what we worked for and earned in America. Many, too many, of us still don’t.
But we don’t tend to do a lot of complaining about paying taxes because we understand that without the federal government of the United States of America, and its Executive and Legislative branches (our state’s Congresspersons WHOM WE ELECT IN THE MID-TERMS whether we vote or not), we’re royally screwed anyway. State’s rights and the Confederacy: Really.
There has never been a single instance in American history of Black people and OPM (“other [white] people’s money”). It simply didn’t happen. Ever. As a matter of fact, it was truly the other way around. So you can now point that finger right back at them and know you are right in so doing.
What they spent then and what they spend now, Black people worked for, sacrificed, and earned — and got taken from them/us. We’re still on the hamster wheel they put us on to this day – grinding and ditching economic pellets. And the more America tries to separate us from our past, and our history, the wider our eyes should open to the ACTUAL truth about welfare and its history in the U.S.A.
To this day, there are still more white people on government subsidies than Black people; and a vast amount of the Tea Parties who beatch about Blacks on welfare are on welfare themselves, in one way or another. Today’s race-based ‘Black-and-poor-hating’ Tea Party faction are in total alignment with DuBois’ mulatto-loving NAACP.
They’ve had representation since the very beginning. WE were the ones who paid taxes and did not have proper government representation; still don’t, for the most part.
There is a reason why the Lord God said what He said about money, and debt – especially in THIS America.
The Bible talks to Black People (Hebrews) about the real deal on Money and Debt…
Luke 21:1-4 …and more.