About “That Terrorist” Dylann Roof

by | Jun 21, 2015 | Opinion | 1 comment

roofisaterroristDylann Roof, who did not “allegedly” but did “confessedly” shoot and murder nine Black people, most of whom died instantly at the scene, at an AME church in Charleston, South Carolina, is a self-proclaimed terrorist who committed a heinous pre-meditated hate crime.

Don’t care if the FBI, President Obama, the Justice Department and no one else says so, that is exactly what he is, or shall we say, WAS.

With the taking of those nine lives, he took his own life – nine times and THEN some.

Let’s define a terrorist BY LAW — Thank you, Dr Terry Jackson, for the information:

“The controlling federal statute, 18 U.S.C. Section 2331, provides that “domestic terrorism” means activities with the following three characteristics:
1. Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
2. Appear intended (a) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(b) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(c) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and
3. Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.
Elements one and three of this statute are clearly fulfilled.

Roof committed an act dangerous to human life (nine murders) and it took place in the United States. The only question is whether this attack was intended to “intimidate or coerce a civilian population” or “to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination…”



He said it was, said he wanted a “race war” to begin because Black folks were “raping their women and taking over the country” … I think that sufficiently answers the last question. ‘Nuff said. The people whom he killed had never touched any of “his women” to anyone’s knowledge, and even if they did — the accusation of rape alone, even without ANY evidence, would have had a black man lynched or imprisoned for life.

Dylann Roof, you are a domestic terrorist who committed a hate crime on AMERICAN SOIL in a church filled with Black people at Bible Study who didn’t even know your white ass and who let you in their church out of the charity of their hearts. Because of you, Black churches across America are well within their rights to pat down every krakka that walks into any of their services, or even steps on their adjoining grounds.

You not only deserve the death penalty, you also deserve to burn in hell. But we do forgive you, after you’re on an ice slab and not a second before then. There is a judge, it is said, who claimed that your family are “victims,” too. Oh hell no they are not. You learned that sick racist mentality of yours somewhere, and just like all the rest of your kind — that kind of ill-willed hatred started AT HOME.

You are not mentally ill, you knew exactly what you were doing and why.

For the rest of the Black community: “This is bigger than the families of those who were murdered, it was a coldly-calculated mass murder because of racism – the kind that affects ALL OF US; and the ENTIRE family of Black people around the nation are involved this time.”

He must pay for this crime and bow to the will and the laws of the people of the United States of America, not just the financial will of restitutional payoffs and the people in their personal families.

Not this time… he owes ALL of us this time and we are in control of this narrative — not his family, that judge, or anyone else who does the typical social kowtowing crapola that causes us to continue to have to live these nightmares every single day of our lives.


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1 Comment

  1. Bomani Kyasa

    — The real reason why they don’t want to label this a terrorist act and a lone wolf mass murder is because if they use the word terrorists then they would have to go after White Supremacist organizations.

    I am sure that this killer has been coached that he essentially would have to take one for the team and that his fellow White Supremacist will support him in prison.

    — by Steve Jones


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