by Reneegede | Mar 9, 2019 | Opinion
1) …and focus on their own child molesters and pedophiles they elected to federal and nationalist office. Did anyone bother to take the time out to note all of those children -black and white- that Michael was around and his only accusers are white-skinned? How...
by Reneegede | Dec 1, 2018 | Opinion
National Day of Mourning for Trump On the eve of George Herbert Walker (HW) Bush’s translation out of this present world, supremely white American nationalist leader Donald John Trump has set December 5 to be a “National Day of Mourning” in honor of...
by Reneegede | Jan 31, 2017 | Opinion
A white Trump supporter who hands a Black waitress a $450 tip and tells her, in his own way that “WE have to learn how to be one and become ‘just Americans'” has more on his mind than just being a blessing to that Black waitress. He who was incapable...
by Reneegede | Jan 23, 2017 | Opinion
*** Racists in America, for many years, for more than a few centuries as a matter of fact, have spent a very long time crafting a dirty dark narrative about Black people that has never been true, but never really went away. Even in the midst of watching the worst of...