How Blacks Playing “Kumbaya Footsies” With Trump Supporters Sets Them Up for the Next Geopolitical Hit Man

by | Jan 31, 2017 | Opinion | 0 comments

A white Trump supporter who hands a Black waitress a $450 tip and tells her, in his own way that “WE have to learn how to be one and become ‘just Americans'” has more on his mind than just being a blessing to that Black waitress.

He who was incapable of being “one unified America” when the Black man was President does not mean a word of it in this hour. He just found another non-blonde Patsy to schmooze over to keep up the unilateral division that causes us to remain in a mentally and emotionally weakened state at all times, no matter what happens to us.

We’ve seen this before.

The REAL message is that “Now that white supremacy is firmly established in America, you blacks need to just take your blows and your piss-change lollipops and understand that the ONLY way to have peace in this land is for you all to do what we tell you and keep your mouths shut and stay in the back seat where you belong, serving us.”

She had mentioned to him that she had gone to the Women’s March in DC and he found his Negro point person to break up that conversation about Trump by sliding her some piss-change that looked REAL big to a poor Black waitress; and along with it came a note, the typical note that sounds good and clean on the surface and has dirt laying all under its fingernails.

In other words, be a “nice Negro girl” and we will pay you [what appears to be] big money like the broke-ass lackey that you are. This is what they are saying when you are not around to hear them, and what’s $450 to buy some divide’n’conquer sympathy?

It proves how easily some people CAN be divided, Shia ‘he will not divide us’ LeBeouf.

Here’s another Black woman who can say “them white folkses been goods to us,” and as soon as the $450 is spent — and it was already gone before she got it — she’s right back to where she was yesterday and the day before: Broke and waiting tables with no long-term benefits or a future that pays unless a white person gives her permission to advance. I’m sure if she had hospital and doctor bills instead of Obamacare, that $450.00 has BEEN spent, and would have been spent even if she had never gotten it.

I understand that younger Black folks who do not understand nor appreciate the political and social sacrifices made by a generation of older Black folks who fell for the “kumbaya” messages and learned the hard way, but these youngers do not know that it is nothing more than a temporary sucker ploy to schmooze over ‘chill-will feel-goods’ at certain intervals amongst those who are desperately in need of any extra cash they can get.

Rich white folks can buy anybody.

What’s $450.00 on top of a $70 meal to those who are telling her that she will NEVER be able to do what they did, because she will never make that kind of money.

The same message from the same ones who helped to usher Trump into the White House are telling her that without their charity, she will never amount to anything more than she is, but “here’s some shit-change if it will make you feel better and buy your million-dollar loyalty to white skin.”

As one man said to me “Obama can spread the wealth all he wants, we’ll have it all back in two years or less anyway.” LOL.

Except it wasn’t funny, because what he was saying is that even that which Black Americans THINK belongs to them is not theirs. Those kinds of offers are what makes some of us eternal slaves. Small okey-dokes = Big Dokey Okes. Oh of course, take the $450 tip’ but understand the real message beneath it and use it as leverage to untwist from the Matrix of White Supremacy while you can.

That’s money I would have used to oppose them in some other distinct way, like paid a bill and wrote a note on the back of the billing chit: “This bill was paid by two racist extremist white Trump supporters who tipped me big change at work and actually thought I bought into that bullshit about ‘One United America.’ I’m giving you their money and here’s my message to back it, “The Revolution will not be televised. RESIST.”

Dropping Paper Bombs

What Black People Know That Whites Do Not Acknowledge: That not ALL Black people are wide open and determined to remain ignorant and blind to racist tactics disguised as truth and patriotic justice. Divide & Conquer happens. Refuse to fall for it.

There will never be a moment in the life of a Trump supporter when a Black woman or man of any career aspiration is anything more than a developing bosom to be used to make their own violence and racism appear softer, more polite, and more kind. To buy the support that they would not get otherwise is an easy sell when it comes to someone who needs money desperately and badly. Get to the weaker vessel, as did the serpent in the Garden of Eden, and you can fell an entire race of people.

It is what inspires and underscores the continuance of racism and white supremacy, in the very hands of Black people themselves.


Reports Addicting Info:

As several Muslims in Quebec, Canada, perished in a Mosque shooting, many mourned this loss. It was a horrific act of violence, and no one should ever have to be a part of such a thing.
However, having no heart and clearly no grasp of the details of the situation, Trump Jr. decided he would appreciate how much political capital could come out of this if the shooter was Muslim. The tweet Trump Jr. “Liked” reads as such: “When it’s revealed that the #QuebecShooting terrorists are Muslims, #Trump will have a tremendous spike in political capital. #MuslimBan”

Editorial FYI: The Quebec shooter was a white terrorist American Christian male (a la Dylann Roof) who is also a big time Trump supporter, and one of Trump’s sons was cheering it on. His father taught him well.
Note also: Trump promised to “bring the jobs back” and then proceeded to fire all Blacks in the Obama administration who had any control or power over their particular posts, including Loretta Lynch and Commanding Officer Maj. General Errol Schwartz, just to name the few who were there.

Never trust a Trump supporter, no matter how much money they give you. Take it and use it to jam them up in whatever small way you can. That $450 was not meant to help you, Ms Waitress; it was meant to buy your black loyalty to their white skin.


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