The Problem with “Dr” Umar Johnson

The Problem with “Dr” Umar Johnson

Last time I had contact with anyone closest to Dr Umar Johnson, we (myself and several other constituents that don’t need to be mentioned here) had formed a group of Black and concerned people trying to gather together to get the word out about saving St....
Heptagon, Part 6: Untwist

Heptagon, Part 6: Untwist

Body, soul, spirit, and mind. Those are the four dimensions of human existence on which we are said to connect to everything and everyone else in the universe. Body, of course, meaning physical contact; soul meaning the physical emotions we display as a direct result...
Dear Mr. President: From One Elitist to Another

Dear Mr. President: From One Elitist to Another

I am tired, President Obama, of hearing white folks (and some Black ones, too) who tell us that we are so ignorant that we only voted for you because you are Black…that WE didn’t know what we were doing or what you really stood for. I don’t know...