Member Spotlight: Shereen Renee

Member Spotlight: Shereen Renee

Shereen Renee (aka “Reneegede”) is an author, biographer, web developer, blogger, and journalist and CEO of greeneINK Digital Media. A former (Ret.) Atlanta, GA real estate paralegal and former news clerk with the Columbus (GA) Ledger-Enquirer, she is host...
In the Midst, Comparative Progress

In the Midst, Comparative Progress

Recently I was asked to explain a term I have been using rather frequently, its not a new term but its not exactly a well known term either. Its a term that defines and colors every effort for equality and demands equal pressure applied from both angles before that...
Social Media Relationship Building

Social Media Relationship Building

Every now and then it becomes necessary to take a break from social media and the constant beating of the proverbial drum for war, enlightenment, evolution, devolution and all of the many other things that people like to discuss in virtual spaces (seemingly so they...
UIMD: The Great American Jihad Caper

UIMD: The Great American Jihad Caper

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series… The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC recently reported on a news report written by Steve Benen about a “far rightwing” (i.e., American extremist fringe lunatic) and FOX television psychiatrist on his call for an...
Guess Gay Isn’t the New Black After all

Guess Gay Isn’t the New Black After all

In a strange story coming out of Ohio, it would seem that a lesbian mother is suing an Illinois based Sperm Bank for sending her sperm from a black man. In 2011 after planning with her partner for a child, Jennifer Cramblett called in an order for a donor from Midwest...