by Reneegede | Jan 1, 2019 | Opinion
No, I’m not confused. I finally realized, when I discovered that the Bible was the Black History Book of the World, that white people didn’t just steal the land and the resources, they stole the religions, too. All was used as a system and mechanism of...
by Reneegede | Jul 14, 2017 | Opinion
Whether you believe it’s all allegory or not, the only time the Bible -the one the world reads in several hundred versions and thousands of languages- speaks of white people is when it refers to the few typical players in Greece and Rome, like Caesar Augustus...
by Reneegede | Dec 7, 2014 | Opinion
UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series… I’m not an atheist, everyone knows that. I’m also not a Christian, Muslim/Islamist, Judaist, Shintoist, Jainist, Jehovah’s Witness, 7th Day Adventist, Mormon, Catholic, Buddhist, Krishnaist… not even...
by Reneegede | Oct 9, 2014 | Opinion
WE should only be talking about the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan, right? Wrong. There are many Black and colored people who are Islamic persons (Muslims) who are not affiliated with the Nation of Islam, but let’s just take this more recent loud...