Heptagon, Part 6: Untwist

Heptagon, Part 6: Untwist

Body, soul, spirit, and mind. Those are the four dimensions of human existence on which we are said to connect to everything and everyone else in the universe. Body, of course, meaning physical contact; soul meaning the physical emotions we display as a direct result...
UIMD: If You Aren’t Sick of It by Now …

UIMD: If You Aren’t Sick of It by Now …

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series… buy flagyl online https://www.dino-dds.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/png/flagyl.html no prescription pharmacy My dear beloved Aunt Mabel had a saying that went a little sumpin’ like dis: “If you like it, I love...
Did You Know This About George Washington Carver?

Did You Know This About George Washington Carver?

INSIGHT Dick Gregory stated that people assumed Carver was gay because of the sound quality of a his voice – it was very high-pitched, no bass, no baritone, nothing. What they didn’t know is that Carver was castrated by his white benefactors to keep him...