by Reneegede | Nov 9, 2014 | Opinion
UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series… Lest anyone think this is misogynistic by any stretch of the imagination, it is not. It is based on a statement made by Joni Ernst that she was going to Washington DC to make [Obama and the Democrats, that “band”...
by Reneegede | Nov 4, 2014 | Opinion
UI Meme of the Day, A Daily Series… ’nuff said. The only time you “forget” the past is when you are using it as leverage to guide the future. *** For credit to: Somebody’s Mom & Dad.
by Reneegede | Jul 9, 2014 | Opinion
The Christian Pentecostal Evangelical “powers” of the former and now-deceased Ronald Wilson Reagan White House Administration, the folks who usurped power and authority not accorded to them by the United States Constitution, right behind their predecessors...
by Furious | Oct 4, 2013 | News
Just when you think, Congress couldn’t shove their non-interest in the struggles of American people in our faces any more, they go and start speaking. It seems like they are doing this just to remind us they couldn’t care less about the pain of regular...