Is Jermaine Shoemake An Agent Provacateur?

Is Jermaine Shoemake An Agent Provacateur?

In a recent contact with a Facebook friend who shall remain unnamed, it was suggested to her by someone else that there may be a possibility of “Doctor Umar” Johnson (a/k/a “Dr. Umar”; a/k/a “Umar Ifatunde”; a/k/a “Umar...
Anti-Trump Women Protesters Loses NAACP Endorsement

Anti-Trump Women Protesters Loses NAACP Endorsement

The NAACP of Portland announced they have removed their endorsement of the Women’s March on Portland, an anti-Trump protest which was scheduled for Jan. 21. The reasoning behind this is because Jo Ann Hardesty, president of the NAACP, seen that the original...
Firefighter Burns His Own Home and Guess Who He Blamed

Firefighter Burns His Own Home and Guess Who He Blamed

On August 10, at 2:30 a.m., Jason Stokes’ Endicott home went into flames while his wife and two daughters were sleeping. Luckily, the four people were in the home (including Stokes) left without injuries. It was said that the family was being targeted by black...