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SMH: Lebron James Is The Latest Black Celebrity To Emasculate Himself | Urban Intellectuals

SMH: Lebron James Is The Latest Black Celebrity To Emasculate Himself

by | Nov 1, 2014 | News | 1 comment

Cleveland Cavaliers forward and superstar, LeBron James, dawned a wig, white dress to look like Flo from the Progressive Insurance commercials for Halloween. James posted the image on his Facebook page for the holiday and it drew much attention and speculation over the spectacle.

No one is sure if this was just purely his choice to be Flo for the holiday or was it foreshadowing the fact that James has inked a sponsorship role for the insurance giant. At this point, James hasn’t mentioned any sort of sponsorship deals, but we are certain Progressive appreciates the increased notoriety and the alliance with such a global brand as LeBron James.

FloBronHowever, many in the black community are disappointed in James for this move to wear the dress and wig. He joins a long line of black celebrities who have worn a dress, wig, and make up to be a woman. The emasculation of the black male continues in this country, but it seems many of today’s celebrities and those in the spotlight are doing it freely as if there is nothing wrong with it.

Personally, this really saddens me because I have been wondering over the last few months why James hasn’t been held up in the black community as a role model. He came from a difficult childhood. Raised by a single mother to the height of his success. While many of his contemporaries have babies all over the world and get into trouble off the court, James has a clean nose, reputation and only children are by his long time girlfriend and wife.

His business acumen is something to be applauded. He speaks very well. Gets involved with charity events and does all he can to maintain a squeaky clean image to ensure he will forever be a positive role model for his kids and kids around the world.

Then why the dress, wig and emasculation?

I’m not sure, but I don’t like and the black community is talking. What do you think?

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