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#ShePersisted! Donations Are Pouring In To Help Elizabeth Warren | Urban Intellectuals

#ShePersisted! Donations Are Pouring In To Help Elizabeth Warren

by | Feb 9, 2017 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Elizabeth Warren stood up in Senate to read a 1986 letter from Coretta Scott King, the widow of Martin Luther King Jr., opposing Jeff Sessions’ nomination to a federal judgeship.

As she read she was rebuked by the Senate’s Republican leaders who said she had violated Senate rules. Apparently she was “impugning the motives” of Sen. Jeff Sessions.

Sessions is the Alabama Republican, who is President Donald Trump’s pick for attorney general.

Warren persisted and the hastag #ShePersisted was born. Warren was putting forward the words of a respected woman as to how Sessions had repressed and intimidated elderly black voters. This is VERY IMPORTANT, yet Republicans just shut her down.

Warren fought and people are coming to her side. says that over 9k members have put forward financial support and so far have collected $250,000 and counting!

MoveOn officials said in a statement Wednesday:

“By standing with Elizabeth Warren, we’re standing up against that kind of bigotry,”

“We’re standing up for freedom of speech. And we’re standing up for something else that is under threat in the age of Trump: Truth. Together, let’s show that when our friends speak truth to power, a powerful movement rises to stand by their side.”

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